Spring 2013 season

Started by Tenchi Ryu, March 01, 2013, 06:05:12 PM

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March 01, 2013, 06:05:12 PM Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 10:38:24 PM by Tenchi Ryu
Well, being about 3/4 through the winter season, charts for the spring season have appeared. Go on and take a look, I'll probably wait until more detailed summaries come out to make decisions



I've been highly anticipating the Devil Survivor 2 anime since it was announced a while ago.  It's likely to get an English license, but I do hope someone fansubs it.  (Though to be completely honest, I would have preferred them to adapt the first game, not the second.  I liked the plot better... but any DeSu anime is better than none)


Just from the promos released, it looks like they're going to follow the art style of the game pretty closely.  Excellent.
"General Hammond, request permission to beat the crap out of this man."


Well some show interest me (and that sure I will watch Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai season 2), but I think I will wait they are complete to watch them since I am a bit boring behind forced wait one week to see the next episode. And anyway I already has many animes I want to see including several from Winter 2013.

The only series I'll realistically watch would be Railgun Season 2. While a part of me wants to watch the Devil Survivor 2 anime, I'm not huge into SMT Devil Survivor as I am with SMT Persona. Oreimo never interested me. My Little Pony: Japanese dub. Pddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddt. :dogout:

Kick Heart is interesting only because I know it from the Kickstarter that they did. And succeeded. Has sentimental value to me as they went around the major studios and did the whole crowd funding route. Only raised enough to make it a short. But that's still awesome considering how it's an unconventional route for funding.

yes.i like the to aru series.so rail gun2  is a grabber.and stens gate movie to. did see blood c movie to  as torrent.
guess its time to umm abuse my 25 mg fiber line..

I am interested in:

Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
Haiyore! Nyarko-san W
Hentai Ouji To Warawanai Neko
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride
Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku
Namiuchigiwa No Muromisan
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.

And some others series I would maybe watch if the review are good. That seems to be a better season than winter 2013.

I've decided on OreImo 2, Attack on Titan and The Devil is a Part-Timer for now.
"Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying,and dying to me don't sound like all that much fun."

April 09, 2013, 04:54:18 AM #9 Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 04:59:37 AM by SimmyC
Two people I know that watched Majestic Prince first episode and and were, bored with it. While it's only the first episode, and that could change if we go with the 3 episode rule before dropping anything... doesn't sound promising. It's always possible I might have a different opinion if I watched it myself but... especially for someone like myself where watching anime takes a distant third of my short attention span behind watching Let's Plays on Youtube, and playing video games, I doubt I'm going to watch it.

I have been recommended to at least check out Hataraku Maou-sama! It sounds like the story has the same vibe as  Ichiban Daimaou. Harem antics as well. If I get off my lazy ass and watch something other than what I've already mentioned, sounds like I'll be checking it out.

[edit]Oh yeah, and Suisei no Gargantia that my friend is also watching. Though I heard it is an Urobachi anime. So I have a feeling things will go very wrong soon (in terms of story. Not quality).

Well, after a long... uh... hiatus I guess (more like finally getting off my lazy ass and watch. I have bandwidth issues to worry about again, stupid AT&T and their data cap, but, 30 minute episodes that are NOT HD shouldn't eat too much of it. Hopefully), watched Suisei no Gargantia and Hataraku Maou-Sama!

My impressions so far... without spoiling TOO much...

Suisei no Gargantia. Good action. Great design. Nice story so far. And hawt tan chicks.  :staredog: Has that fish out of water thing going on, but at least it has a very logical way of dealing with it. Definitely adds to the suspension of disbelief when they do it.

However, as I mentioned before, it is an Urobachi anime. And knowing Urobachi, my fear is, it's going to get grimdark soon. I can already see possible ways that could happen.

Hataraku Maou-sama! Speaking of a fish out of water, two characters forced to leave their magical world, and enter our world. And like Suisei no Gargantia, both had to deal with the language barrier in, a somewhat logical sense. Of course that is where the similarities end. I will say though, it is amusing how the anime starts off as a serious action pack anime and then becomes, well, comedic. With the way the story is going, I have a feeling I'm going to greatly enjoy this one.

Quote from: SimmyC on April 11, 2013, 01:14:09 AM
However, as I mentioned before, it is an Urobachi anime. And knowing Urobachi, my fear is, it's going to get grimdark soon. I can already see possible ways that could happen.

I really hope he avoids the "OOOO look at how many characters I can brutally kill off! Isn't this super dark and surprising?!?" that everyone is expecting from his work now. It would be sad to see someone who obviously is a very talented writer become so predictable.

Quote from: SimmyC on April 11, 2013, 01:14:09 AM
And hawt tan chicks.  :staredog:

Fuck yeah! :parrot:
This has nothing to do with the post. You just kinda wasted your time reading this. Sorry.

To be fair, not only did the main character make it out ok in Psycho Pass, but just about everyone made it out alive. In fact, it wouldn't be called a happy ending, but it is as far away from a "fucked up" ending you could get. Urobachi gave his characters a chance to live...And even came out a little more badass

April 11, 2013, 04:05:35 AM #14 Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 04:12:27 AM by SimmyC
Well, grimdark doesn't simply mean everyone dies. Nor does it mean that the ending is necessarily 'bad'. Granted, using Madoka as an example, he got around that by having multiple alternate universe/time travel shenanigans so no one really stayed 'dead'. Still, arguably, Madoka had a happy ending where everyone 'lives'. At least, living in their own, bitter sweet kind of way.

Heck, the eroge Saya no Uta could be argued that, none of the three endings were really bad. In case no one knows how it ended and still wanted to find out their own way, I won't spoil it too much. Only to say that, even the apocalyptic ending could be considered 'good' depending on how you look at it. I'll be honest, I didn't like that ending but, I could see why people would argue it wasn't a bad ending given the characters and their mindset.

Now, are they fucked up endings? Yes. Depressing sure. But bad? Different story.

As for Urobachi being predictable, to be honest the only thing that would surprise me about an Urobachi anime (or if you include his other works, his stories in general) would be if nothing majorly bad happens. Like no huge crisis that would force the characters into a dire situation or something. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as the execution is superb (unlike say, M. Night Shyamalan who, besides being predictable, started to just plain suck with his recent movies).

And with Gargantia, I can see a number of scenarios where it could get dark real soon. Either the standard the main enemy of the MC comes and fuck things up, or the whole 'the real enemy is ourselves' situation where they come home only to cause conflict (ala Last Exile season 2). In the end it could still be a happy ending. But I doubt Urobachi is going to make it easy.

[edit]Of course I am sort of dreading it when it does happen. As much as I love "ooooo edgy" anime, the anime that makes me sit down and contemplate what I just watch, it's still going to be painful watching characters that I'm starting to like, have bad things happen to them. It's why, even if I think said type of anime could be the greatest ever (if done well and not just death, shock, and drama for the sake of being edgy)... the ones I might wind up preferring are the lighthearted fun ones. Oh well, if I wanted a happier anime, I'm already watching it~ Hataraku Maou-sama! :P