True Tenchi novels licensed by Seven Seas!

Started by Ryo-Okay, November 16, 2017, 04:47:30 PM

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Dude Fap, your honest assessment of this is super needed. I am spamming the praise m8  :woot:

give me a bit to fully check through  4/10 is just me being upset over somethings being lost in traslation and phrased wrong...i should be done in like a day but the phrasing is sooooo bad in several parts like in the past few books but like... here its just... really bad at times though... i know im nitpicky in that sense but bad phrasing is bad adapting
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March 26, 2019, 12:26:07 AM #152 Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 12:34:58 AM by Fap_fapperson
i love page 81 where youd think id complain about "were the same arent we double entendre being phrased wrong and unexplained... but no im more concered about the student council cum federation.... wtf is a cum federation...

82 is just purely mistranslated lesbian washing as naja was day dreaming about washu implying taking her to her place first thing off the ship ... i dont know if at this point i can dig up the orifinal japanise lines to translate it as proof but this is very off if you ask me and its supposed to link into the later part of the story with clay taking a student home to fuck her.
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Okay we are building a good case here for some terse words within the doujin and novella translation circles. Messing up Kajishima's efforts like that is pretty sad.

And switching gears a moment, Clay did what???  :dogout:

Ooh, shades of Episode 12.  :heysexy:
"Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying,and dying to me don't sound like all that much fun."

March 27, 2019, 08:28:03 PM #156 Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 08:34:58 PM by AstroNerdBoy
"student council cum federation"

I should have had this as "student council-cum-federation". So that's my bad for not realizing this until Fap asked me about it. The term "cum" here isn't the slang for orgasm, but means "with; combined with; along with; used to describe things with a dual nature or function".

Yup, as the famous "magna cum laude"

Or manga with loads of cum .... ?  :rape:

March 28, 2019, 07:34:44 PM #158 Last Edit: March 28, 2019, 10:18:52 PM by Fap_fapperson
Quote from: WaitoKon on March 26, 2019, 08:02:00 PM
And switching gears a moment, Clay did what???  :dogout:
clay was a guide like airi... and took his new student home and tried to fuck her thats why hes called octopuss head... cause octopi at the academy trap and rape the females... naja having dirty thoughts of washu when she says is this your place is a reference to this and the ongoing implications and theme that student guides tend to date their assigned students. washu is full of lines that can only be properly understood after reading and translating it once...  tons of implied half sentances which are a grammaticly accepted thing in japan tons of sexual innuendo and closet lesbian double speak.

other then that complaint that ivemade since they announced this translation...  powdered snow trees? those are the yuki kasumi trees that show up alot... i remember them being called something else last book...
the translation of
親子三人この頃が is what i had an issue with
親子 is an odd phrase..
親子three people that timeがas far as washu was concerned was the best
time of her life

that word is weird it translates as parent and child

i think i interpreted it as them being a family of 3 parents... but i see how i could have gotten that wrong. :/ either way naja and washu end up together and the implication is she is one of the parents sooo...
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ok like not nearly as bad as i thought now that im reading it next to the japanise like... 8/10
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pg 151 no one could gainsay...

needs a space

btw all in all i think even though some of the lines of her flirting with washu are  lost in translation... its still clear naja likes washu and is in the relationship to the extent she is by the end of it even if like half of the text of her flirting was lost in translation
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Just bought all the True Tenchi novels in one go. Gonna marathon read through the whole trilogy over the next month or so. Woo! Can't wait to read all this TM backstory! :)

Same here. Finally picked up my copy from the bookstore.

Well, it's nice and refreshing to read Washu's story instead of a Royal figure from last two volumes.
I just wish that they would make a story about Washu and Kagato, along with how he(she) gained dominance and captured Washu.