Airi's pregnancy with Minaho

Started by Nonsuch Ned, October 15, 2020, 10:04:25 AM

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Does anyone know where the story about Airi putting Minaho's fetus in stasis comes from?
Astroboynerd's FAQ (in an old entry) says its canon but I don't know where it comes from and doujin (at least more recent years), novels, and OVA 4 pretty much contradict it. If you look at any character files on either of them on the internet, it is quoted.
I can see how it was a popular idea, as the Yosho novel illustration seems to show Minaho quite young- despite the fact being that she would be about 130 years old at this point, if born naturally. And multiple sources say she was a child during the turmoil of Widow's Disaster. my pants

Possibly the gxp ban issues. I didn't translate most.of those  I figured it would all have made it into the novels or been written out
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I decided to take the fetus in stasis story out of the top of their wiki pages. Making a mention of it possibly being taken out of accepted canon in the trivia sections.

If anyone can point to it being in a translated doujin or something, send me a note and I'll figure out how to put it back in (but if it were still canon, I have to think it'd be in that Dec '17 one with the waifu profiles).

odd that this does not show as a reply on the index.... maybe if I edit it?


nope... how about I erase the message posted on Sunday, and repost it?

:allbuttons: my pants

It was either in the author's notes for volume 16 GXP or mentioned in OVA 4 dialogue. Or it was around the art insert for the epilogue of True Tenchi volume 2, where Airi and Yosho reconnect after some centuries.

December 08, 2020, 10:50:00 AM #4 Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 10:59:39 AM by Nonsuch Ned
Yes, the epilogue to the Yosho novel is confusing and contradictory to what is stated later. Minaho should be about 140 yeas old at that point but the text describes her as looking like Airi did when she was young... so if we ONLY  have that to go on, it could be assumed that the birth was delayed. But saying her fetus was put in stasis is, as far as I can tell,  pure speculation and has never been stated. Unless, possibly, in untranslated doujin.

Actually, considering Kajishima's usual plot devices, if he did want Minaho to be as young as described, his usual explanation would be either that she was cryogenically frozen (like Ayeka and Sasami) or she was age frozen (like Neju).

But I'm thinking that maybe this detail came from Kuroda,  and Kajishima being Kajishima, decided to discount it when he decided it wasn't what he wanted.

Since then, doujin, the GXP novels, and even OVA 4 clearly say that she was born on Airai and was alive during "Widow's disaster." The OVA says she was born before Yosho disappeared while fighting Ryoko.

If forced to explain it, I bet (pure speculation on my part) that he'd say she looked like that due to one of Airi's experiments.

that, or, it's also mentioned multiple times that Minaho grew up isolated and did not grow up normally, constantly being guarded against danger from Airaian assassins  and under the wing of Airi, who people were always wary of....  just a case of extreme arrested development. After 140 years, she was still at the maturity of a teenager. my pants

Have we ever seen an age-slowed spacefaring person not of Jurain royalty in the shows? Kiriko got upgrades while 'becoming more Jurain' in GXP's second cour, was this first done on Minaho-san?

December 08, 2020, 06:14:33 PM #6 Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 09:39:28 PM by Nonsuch Ned
Not sure about "slowing" but I think the effect of bio-enhancement has been a little underestimated. It's not just strength, it's said at one point that anyone in the Galaxy Federation can live for tens of thousands of years with the right enhancement. Even in the Washu novel it's explained how so much of Jurai's strength comes from their highly advanced bio-enhancement that seems to have nothing to do with being paired with trees.

But I wouldn't say anything specific has been done to Minaho other than enhancement and apparently she does have a royal tree.

Without an explanation, I'd just guess that describing her as looking like she were Airi's age has turned into a red herring that Kajishima would rather everyone just forget. my pants

oh right i think there was a full profile on both airi and minaho in that big gatcha game tenchiban from a few years ago
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Yep, they both ignore the "embryo in stasis" story (which is why I'm wondering it came from) and point to both living on Airai while the shit hit the fan. (but don't say it straight that nothing weird happened. my pants