make your own waifu kajishima style

Started by Eff Efferson, September 22, 2017, 06:25:29 AM

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in this thread we create our own new waifu for tenchi, Kajishima style!

heres what you go:
step one get your characters hair and eye color but first flip a coin if heads one hair color if tails two:

step two
copy this:
go here paste and randomise

number one on the list is the fetish that is your new waifus defining personality characteristic.

now take this list and do the same

number one is the porn catagory your new waifu's physical appearence is designed to cater to

step 3:
do the same with this 3 times
this is your waifus name

now do it again 3 more times, this is her last name

now do it again 3 more times, this is the planet she is from.

step 6:
hit generate this is the ova she will debut in
now change paramaters to 1-50000 roll again
this is her age

now change paramaters to 1-45 roll again
this is the age she looks like

my kajishima waifu debuts in ova 18, her name is Magiza Byavumu she is royalty from planet segamo  she has sonic blue and sonic adventure green eyes. she looks 10 but is actual 17764 years old. she has a fetish for being in life threatening situations and her character was designed to attract fans with an armpit hair fetish.

for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

As crazy as this is and as much as I normally wouldn't do something like this, I figured "ah, why the heck not".  Gotta live a little when waiting for the 25th anniversary info bombs, you know.

Name - Bohuna Viveki
Hair Color - Brown
Eye Color - Grey
Home Planet - Rumuno
Actual Age - 20,247
Appearance Age - 21
Debuts in OVA - 85
Defining fetish - Anililagnia (Attraction by young men to older women)
Fetish catered to - Latex

Okay, I'm done.  Time for the Joestar family secret technique... RUN AWAY!  :P

(Also, if you need a way to flip a coin? )
"I believe classic Mewtwo shot first, and I will die on that hill." -Me, at some point. Probably.
Current profile photo: Sakuya Shirase (THE iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors)

the fact that I made this shitpost scares me. the fact that I works when other ppl do it scares me even more.
for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

September 22, 2017, 05:21:55 PM #4 Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 05:29:14 PM by Y_Anthony_Who
I tried... but... the results were too horrible!

Purple hair with lavender eyes... Sovoki Vanyami from planet Luwashi.... must have been in the background of OVA2... 801 years old... looks 15... designed to appeal to the preggo fetish demo... her personal fetish... is... BABIES!!!!! WTF!? I BLAME YOU! FAP!

Quote from: Y_Anthony_Who on September 22, 2017, 05:21:55 PM
I tried... but... the results were too horrible!

Purple hair with lavender eyes... Sovoki Vanyami from planet Luwashi.... must have been in the background of OVA2... 801 years old... looks 15... designed to appeal to the preggo fetish demo... her personal fetish... is... BABIES!!!!! WTF!? I BLAME YOU! FAP!

so that's who the mass were shaped like...

for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Name: Hahivu Tezajyu
Planet: Wovejyu
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Pink
Defining fetish: Asphyxiophilia
Fetish catered to: Cum-shot porn
OVA: 95
Age: 1930
Appearance: 18

>tfw Jyuish waifu
At least she'll be able to support my neet lifestyle.

The waifu of my most treasured fireside fantasies:

Zoluno Womesu of planet Loluko, took Kajishima many decades to perfect. When she emerged in OVA 38, the main characters were all in their late 50s. Ergo, she is a late bloomer, appearing 45 but actually 33,233 Lolukoan years old. She has salmon-turquoise hair, and is deeply into macrophilia, or the ginormous-sizing of bodily proportions. Her demographic is crying porn, which Kajishima worried would replace Mihoshi, Sasami and Ryo-Ohki's staunchest fans.

tldr; Zoluno Womesu from planet Loluko, OVA #38, age 33233, appears 45. Salmon-Turquoise hair; macrophilic and crying porn.