gxp 14 spoilers

Started by Eff Efferson, January 16, 2017, 08:55:33 AM

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so i just read gxp 14 because hell why not. i dont understand parts of it because alot of it is gibberish translated and even more due to not knowing the characters but the stuff in it is .... revolutionary to say the least no one has given a summery on it and there isnt even one you can find in japanise... so here's some of the spoilers.

spoilers?!??? i mean the shows been over for ages but still
The wau girl is a golden haired wau a very very rare type they trace her genetics the waus on the zinv planet they are originaly members of the galactic federation there let back in. she goes to live with seina.  big whoop this is just a filler spoiler incase anyone anyone goes here but might change there mind...

when seina graduates at the end it is 1995 if you place the start of the tenchi timeline at 1992. it has been two years since he went into space. so OVA 4 takes place before the second half of the gxp novels and before he visits earth again my theory is solidly confirmed.

  the story then jumps 1 year ahead to part two.... where seina and zinv go to the renza federation space to fight pirates? but why are pirates there? HIMC both are juraian royal seeds. but they werent always in mechanoid form originally they were ships it seems.
something is said between seto and seina about how the royal tree's pick up on  the temper of the person they are bonded with and tend to go crazy when they are angry not only going berserk but making the person they are bonded with go berserk.  so from what i get but i really need to clean up the translation but ive theorised that Kumu was the royal tree seed of himc and the text doesnt confirm as far as  i know but it definantly suports this and both himc and zinv had the seeds of the royal  the trees are really the main system of zinv and himc the computer system inside of them is secondary so its entirely possible that they could still operate even if removed i think

It makes sense that ayuko bonded with with kumu. im down for that explaination.

anyways that was said to be like a billion years ago. they are the great prehistoric nation who did the seeding and left all the relics and ruins but the ones who made zinv and himc were an even older one it seems. their planet was also called earth and had most things seina's earth had like curry and spaghetti.  the wau planet was the original earth. and although it isn't stated that makes Airai by default either the planet they went to first after episode 14 or the planet who got the other seed from tsunami but given their history id assume it was the first choice.

the reason for seina's probability vector as it is called getting better when he gets 4 pairs of certain girls together is because he has kazuki's astral patern or atleast one very close to it. so when he gets around a set of girls who are similar to the 4 girls from dual his luck turns good.

Fuku shares yayois astral pattern kirche is mitsukirara. miki is mitsuki sonada and d is d the same d memories intact she tells everything.

so the 4 cabbits are the 4 dual girls. seina yamada: harem stealer.
i translated a few two chan posts that agree with this some say that a girl name march could also be mitsuki rara or widdow could be yayoi but the last book doesnt seem to agree.
they are given the ability to have a human form by washu that's why they show up in the pictures in the novels as human.
this should already be obvious but the reason tarrant never dies is because he is a bioroid like d his real body is somewhere else. its not in the book but thats an obvious factoid you only pick up after reading too much tenchi.

I think it is implied that 
tenchi and the girls get a small part at the wedding but they don't describe them in detail... sooooooo............ no new information on the is tenchi already married by then front.

the first picture attached is the real form of mirror seto. presenting herself to seina after his status at a first generation tree owner is established. seto cant hide her secrets from him if he the power to access her tree at any time (first gens have that power)
she was hospitalised half a year with a mental ilness by feedback from the mikagami's tree. and this is her mirror warrior they can assume their clients memories and abilities.

second: D as a cabbit explains that on her planet called earth they had a dish called curry and a thing called rice. and something called spaghetti.

third: tsukiko holds miki in cabbit form. miki's original body was made to resemble her.

fourth: oh look its the cast of dual reincarnated.

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So wait... you're saying Mirror Seto was just caused by some kind of feedback? Did Naja's presence have something to do with that? Hoo-boy, new questions!

So the civilization that left the artifacts like Zinv and HIMC was a declining civilization from the crazy bioroid war between the Bs, right? Feels like we're still missing information. Who'd Tsunami give trees so long before Jurai was founded by Jimmu, before the Jurai were even a pirate clan! What does Renza having pirates have to do with ZINV and Kumu? WHAT HAPPENED TO KUMU THE DOG'S ASTRAL!? WHY ARE THE CABBITS WHITE IN PARADISE WAR?!!!?? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for this info! So glad to know these new details! I've been wondering who exactly are the Dual girls, also glad to know the reason behind the 4 girl thing, also happy it confirms Seina is Kazuki. NEW ANSWERS! NEW QUESTIONS! SO EXCITING!

January 16, 2017, 09:45:53 PM #2 Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 09:51:29 PM by GP cadet 87
I saw Mitsuki Sanada or a character called Miki (I think) that looks, and I just assumed it was an alternate version of Mitsuki Sanada, lik how Mitsuki Rara is another version of Mitsuki.

But you're saying the girls from Dual are reincarnated ito cabbits? I'm not understanding fully. Were they transformed/reincarnated into cabbits, but transformed back to their previous forms? Is that what that picture means? Or are they still cabits by the end of the novel?

I can't tell whether that's self plagiarism, meaning that Kajishima didn't want to make up more characters for the plot, or it's a genuinely good twist, seeing that was Zinv (sp?) Seina was piloting against th space pirates. Either way, it's definitely an interesting change to the setting. The Tenchi 'verse just got a whole lot more convoluted.

Quote from: Y_Anthony_Who on January 16, 2017, 06:29:43 PM
So wait... you're saying Mirror Seto was just caused by some kind of feedback? Did Naja's presence have something to do with that? Hoo-boy, new questions!
mirror seto is actual a character who i think might have shown up in other novels i cant be sure yet.
She is Seto's body double who has the ability to actually copy her memories and abilities. seto was out of commission for part of the later half of gxp it seems because of some sort of feedback from the mikagami messing with her mind.
So the civilization that left the artifacts like Zinv and HIMC was a declining civilization from the crazy bioroid war between the Bs, right? Feels like we're still missing information. Who'd Tsunami give trees so long before Jurai was founded by Jimmu, before the Jurai were even a pirate clan!
the b's u mean the washu clones?
thank you for bringing this up this makes so much sense now.
i looked into this at astronerd boy's lovely site:
We have all heard of the precursor civilization (or the Great Prehistoric Civilization as it is called in the doujinshi). In GXP, we saw the remnants (ruins) of the precursor civilization when Seina came upon the Wau idol, which turned out to be a giant mecha that contained a 1st-generation tree-seed from Tsunami. This civilization went out and seeded the galaxy to leave a legacy, knowing they were in decline.

However, 100-thousand years before the precursor civilization started, there was another civilization in the galaxy. Galaxy Academy records state that this civilization is the oldest in the galaxy, so I will hereby dub them as "the ancients" since the doujinshi did not name them. The ancients are recorded to have created three clones of Washu using bioroid technology. These clones were called Combat Purpose Bioroid Prototypes. The three bioroid-clones were named B1 (appearing about 20-years in age), B2 (appearing about 15-years in age), and B3 (appearing about 10-years in age) with "B" standing for "bioroid" (duh! ^_^).
the precursors is dual earth.  D's world must be  the 100 thousand years before that civilization. in ever knew the b's had any information about them out there. :/ ill look into it as i translate and see if an answer turns up. also they don't state who specificly they gave the seeds to but it is elaborated on that someone else got to jurai.
although here is what we already know about the tenchi verse.:
relative to jurai Airi is very far away so far away that very few relics of the dual civilization have been found there meaning ariai is closer to dual's earth.
tenchi's Earth is located very far from the seeding area. and azusa finds it weird that the seed even made it there.
tenchi's earth and dual's earth are so similar they have the same foods and the foods taste the same.
both zinv and himc should have been destroyed when the worlds merged but it seems they didn't and some how himc ended up in renza's space.
it seems kajishima plans to write a second part of gxp set around that. so i guess it makes sense he doesn't explain it.
What does Renza having pirates have to do with ZINV and Kumu? WHAT HAPPENED TO KUMU THE DOG'S ASTRAL!? WHY ARE THE CABBITS WHITE IN PARADISE WAR?!!!?? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!
i don't know for now but if its in the text ill find out when i re read it to summerize i couldnt understand many parts because i havent read the rest. also that is a good question. the cabbits were given human forms by washu to better fit their transplanted brains or something like that. so it is posisble when she does this the cabbits rabbit forms are changed too.  but then again paradise war is set  much much further in the future around the time that geminar is. so who knows what could happen between then and then with seina's luck. i am also confused as to what happen about kumu the dog i assume it will be explained in the second half.
Thanks for this info! So glad to know these new details! I've been wondering who exactly are the Dual girls, also glad to know the reason behind the 4 girl thing, also happy it confirms Seina is Kazuki. NEW ANSWERS! NEW QUESTIONS! SO EXCITING!

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I'm pumped that Washu's son is still alive. I don't think there's more than maybe a blurb in a chapter but from what I've heard and read (thanks to your translations, Fap) I think he comes back disguised to hide from the Kuramitsu family and runs off with that nurse of his... but not before talking with his momma. Awwww. Wonder if he eventually plays a part in the grand story of Tenchi, or if they've just written him out of the story with that scene.

Oh that explains a lot. In the 14th she finishes the headstone for the grave but she doesn't seem at all sad about it. I thought that was odd
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Quote from: GP cadet 87 on January 16, 2017, 09:45:53 PM
I saw Mitsuki Sanada or a character called Miki (I think) that looks, and I just assumed it was an alternate version of Mitsuki Sanada, lik how Mitsuki Rara is another version of Mitsuki.

But you're saying the girls from Dual are reincarnated ito cabbits? I'm not understanding fully. Were they transformed/reincarnated into cabbits, but transformed back to their previous forms? Is that what that picture means? Or are they still cabits by the end of the novel?

I can't tell whether that's self plagiarism, meaning that Kajishima didn't want to make up more characters for the plot, or it's a genuinely good twist, seeing that was Zinv (sp?) Seina was piloting against the space pirates. Either way, it's definitely an interesting change to the setting. The Tenchi 'verse just got a whole lot more convoluted.

I do not have the full details on this yet. from what i understand. miki was created using kiriko's mother tsukiko's dna... and kirikos father  ken steinbeck she has a bit of a female odepis complex towards her father, Hiroshi · Manada the ken sanada doppleganger before she met seina.  miki looking like mitsuki is a coincidence, her having Hiroshi · Manada who looks like mitukis father as a creator/ father is also a coincidence as her father is actualy ken stienbeck who i do not know about but i think she is like a test tube baby or some shit, her having the actual mitsuki's astral pattern was also a coincidence. but it happened kirche had mitsuki rara's astral pattern, an astral pattern is like your soul when you die it sort of cuts off from the physical plain but remains on the astral side i think. the summeries if seen from other people tend to imply that.

when trarant cloned the cabbits it says something about transplanting their brains of the girls into the cabbits int he 14th book . because a cabbits form factor is a little bit cramped it seems washu gives them human forms so they can change to their normal humanoid forms.

the correlation list a person on the forum provided went like this but i made up the waifu group names lol im just kidding with their names
this list they gave was uncomplete but i know somewhere where its complete i will edit this later to complete it. i got to hurry up and host this though.
waifu teir 1 gxp waifu's   
waifu teir 2 Renza waifu's   
waifu teir 3 Milfy waifus
waifu teir 4 original waifus
teir 5???? mai 8, acha, ringo...
theres a hole there though for now...
is mitoto one or seto or airi its not stated as far as i know?  heck since were only halfway though gxp and there going to renza to fight himc
??? on the mitsuki in the milf group could end up  being ayuko's reinacarnation...

........................................group 1...........Group 2................group 3...................group 4
Mitsuki sonada   dopplegangers: Kiriko Masaki       Hakuren(blue)         tsukiko masaki              miki steinbeck
Mituki rara        dopplegangers: Ryoko Balta         Gyokuren(white)     ???maybe widow           Kirche
Yayoi schawael dopplegangers: Amane Kaunaq    Karen(red)               Mikami kuramitsu          Fuku(widow's astral reincarnation)
D                      dopplegangers: Neju Na Melmas  Suiren(green)          Mirror-seto(panta)        D

Ok so that chart is going to cause some confusion in this community and i know it i will explain
tsukiko suiren kiriko and miki are all girls who like seina with the hair like mitsuki sanadas do not want to admit it and are very bossy, leaders of their groups and fiery like mitsuki sanada

Kirche appears to be nb's humanoid form. she was an idol ai that was considered sentient and had full rights as a citizen. she ran away and stowed away inside NB and eventualy took it over. when nb is introduced they go on and on about how its made of sex robot material and its just like omg why is this scene so long and why does it exist i dont care about kenniths damn sex toys. but it seems that it actually goes some where.  Kirche has the same astral as mitsuki rara also she is an idol who reformed when she met the protagonist.

Widow is a genocide inducing high level criminal, she meets seina. has a change of heart turns her self in and is put to death. her soul was put into fuku so she could make amends and have a life with seina it seems. she looks like mitsuki rara aswell if u look at her also she was a criminal who reformed when she met the protagonist. although she it seems that she may be the yayoi of  cabbits... so she might actually be yayois reincarnation. this would make sense as well because she is a character who meets the character and almost immediately looses all her power only to come back and assist him in another more tomboyish form... if you look at adult fuku... shes tomboyish compaired to ryo-ohki. so either  seina's groups are not dependent on actual astal signatures but just similar traits or i got this wrong and minami is the mitsuki rara of their group, or perhaps she is not even apart of that group. who but if she iisnt' who else would be. ... maybe airi?

mirror seto is a mirror warrior, she was created long ago to double for seto. she has no name of her own. when seto and mirror seto change places the one who changes places becomes quiz panta. she is an artificial being like d, seto has greenhair

suiren, d and neiju, mirror seto green haired there are other things too but i have not read what they are yet.

mikami, amane, karen yayoi, instructors and tomboys

the rara class all have rara like hair and rara like personalities and similar plot lines to mitsuki rara
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Yeah, that's one aspect of the story that has intrigued me a lot. Kajishima-sensei seems like one of those writers who tries to explain why someone gets a harem. Especially Seina, since girls would flock to him in the show without much buildup. Really surprised though hat is harem is potentially so big.

Since Widow is Yayoi's astral, I don't think it would make sense for her to rep Mitsuki Rara, especially since she's already Fuku. So Widow is already repped in the Yayoi section of the cabbit waifu regiment, right?

I also don't believe Yosho's wife is in Seina's harem. She's just a tease is all! I believe.

Mirror Seto is way different than anything I guessed. Also, Quiz Panta? What? I don't know this term.

Who does Ringo correspond to? And the wau loli? Who else is missing?

All day I think about Tenchi. Every day.

Quote from: Y_Anthony_Who on January 22, 2017, 04:37:10 PM
Since Widow is Yayoi's astral, I don't think it would make sense for her to rep Mitsuki Rara, especially since she's already Fuku. So Widow is already repped in the Yayoi section of the cabbit waifu regiment, right?

I also don't believe Yosho's wife is in Seina's harem. She's just a tease is all! I believe.

Mirror Seto is way different than anything I guessed. Also, Quiz Panta? What? I don't know this term.

Who does Ringo correspond to? And the wau loli? Who else is missing?

All day I think about Tenchi. Every day.
I think your right about the yayoi widow thing. widow is in fact said to be yayoi of the cabbit waifus. i just need to read more of the series to figure this all out.  how someone would classify mikami as a rara is beyond me but that's what they put and that confused me... i think she is the yayoi of that group tbh.

right about  the rest of that:

Ive noticed acha mai8 and ringo have one thing incommon: hair bands, its not much but something. they all have things in their hair.

the wau loli is named acha.  she is a very very very rare species of wau.
she is also said to be potentially one of siena's vector reverses according to wikipedia atleast.
Ringo has  curly hair so i would think she would be a mitsuki rara

mai8... pronounced maiya is a dancer on Recepshy a sort of independently owned politically neutral traveling entertainment satellite.

its kind of... a secret reveal but mai8 is one of 10 children and the first one is komachi she has blue hair like hair.

so id assume in this situation mai8 is a sonada, ringo a rara, and acha the D.
the last picture is quiz panta

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