Photon novel findings

Started by Eff Efferson, May 04, 2017, 01:14:33 AM

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Hi fap here. I recently got all the photon novels in and i have begun manually translating them as my secondary translation project
...instead of  working on paradise war or hasagawa when i get bored with gxp. I am expecting information hidden in them that gives some sort of link to the tenchiverse.  I wasn't expecting it so soon though. I am making this thread to post my findings.

this is page one and i think that this page... is probably the most unexpected first page ever.

page 1 of 245
A spaceship floated in outer space surrounded by the galaxy can as far as the eye could see.

Because there was around to compare it to, its size wasn't exactly easy to confirm exactly but judging from the view of from the main bridge, the space ship was about 150 kilometers long. It was a satellite scale spaceship.

On that ship, A great plan was about to be carried out.

Main bridge には膨大数の計器類が計画を成功させるために、あらゆる計測値を表示している
On The main bridge of the ship, a huge number of instruments where outputting various values to ensure the success of the plan.

In the center of the bridge,

was a facility that was made by combining the greatest talents of the universe.


There was an elderly man clothed in clothes that only a Professor of the <Galaxy Academy> could have.

プロフェッサ-,  マ、ジーンยท アクアである。
He was Professor, Gene M. Aqua.

「 もう間もなくですな、プロフェッサー」
"I will be there soon, Professor"

背後から話しかけた男に、 振り返ったジーンが笑みを送る。
A man spoke from behind Gene. Jean looked back and grinned.

I don't mean to be presumptuous but PHOTON CONFIRMED FOR SAME UNIVERSE AS TENCHI Post establishment of the galaxy academy.
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May 04, 2017, 01:48:50 AM #1 Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 03:42:27 AM by Y_Anthony_Who
Since this can also be used to support my opposing theory... it's not really confirmed at all. In fact, you're being presumptuous!

To refresh, I'd always thought Photon was directly connected to Isekai like all y'all, but upon new info and further examination, my new counter-theory is that Photon isn't really directly connected to anything at all. You could say it's only "connected at the edges". MK has before taken ideas and themes he's liked, even names, and re-used them. The koros we know weren't the first creature he called koro, for example. Other examples include the 2 unrelated Kazuki Yotsugas, the 2 unrelated Mitsukis, the 2 unrelated counteractors, the fact that Dual and Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari have the same premise (as admitted by MK himself), and all the papachas and left-eyes. If my theory is correct, Photon is just full of these. According to this theory, the line about Photon and Isekai "sharing a setting, but with a castle instead of a desert" would have been meant broadly rather than literally. However, if it was meant literally, the galaxy academy could simply be a galaxy academy of the alternate universe. In which case he'd be using his ideas repeatedly within the same interconnected universes, which again, we already know he does.

I'm just worried premature exclamations of fact without indisputable evidence could again muddy the waters of Tenchi fandom, as has so often occurred in the past. You don't want to cause the next "suicidal Mihoshi", right?

Since there's a galactic empire in the story, a galactic academy can't be far from MK's mind, ya know? (Galaxy Academy is a pretty generic name, it fits well with the similarly named Galactic Empire.) I think these explanations are simpler, in fitting with MK's habits, and thus far more likely. So I'm just askin y'all to please consider these possibilities as well!

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.  :yoshi:

lol thats exactly why i said im being presumptuous lol cause i am.
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Quote from: Y_Anthony_Who on May 04, 2017, 01:48:50 AM
the 2 unrelated counteractors
Aside from Misaki, who is the other?
understanding is a three-edged sword
metaphorically . metaphysically . literally

May 06, 2017, 08:45:07 AM #4 Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 11:58:14 AM by Fap_fapperson
i assume the other is photon photon is the ahou counter reactor. but from what ive read so far, gene created the ahou energy furnace...
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Yes, it's Photon and yes Gene created the ahou furnace.

Even if MK never officially acknowledges Photon as being part of the broader TM!R universe, I'm happy to accept it as part of it until he says it's not