What a disappointment the Thanksgiving event was. Just what we need, another fucking Adventure sequel. With how terrible Tri was I'm definitely going to skip this.
At least Survive looks like it could be okay even though I don't really like SRPGs.
Regarding yet another Adventure sequel, fully agreed. Hopefully, it's only one movie this time (And as of this moment, it looks like that's what it's gonna be) and we also get a TV series that ISN'T Adventure. Toei's overmilking that cow at this point, and quite frankly, I'm shocked that they're even doing so given that tri episode 5 got 1 star ratings on Amazon Japan and everything, which proves that even the Japanese fans are sick of it at this point.
As far as Bandai (And by extension also Bandai Namco Games) goes, however... they've been doing great with their Digimon stuff lately. Digimon Survive being an SRPG will be a breath of fresh air given that they've only done one SRPG before in the past, and that's Anode / Cathode Tamer back in the WonderSwan days. And they confirmed during that stream that we do have another Digimon Story game coming afterward. On which note, don't even get me started on Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory; I'll be sitting here all day singing so many praises about that game that it's crazy. Best Digimon game so far, PERIOD.
Of course, while not everyone's cup of tea, the 20th anniversary releases of the original Digimon virtual pets, specifically the Digital Monster Version 20th and Digimon Pendulum Version 20ths, are great too. I have one of the original 20ths and both Pendulum 20ths, and they're really neato if you're into that kind of thing. All of the original lineups are available, as well as unlockable characters which include the anniversary Digimon (Dracomon, Hackmon, and Zubamon on the original 20ths, and Ludomon on the Pendulum 20ths). Safe to say, those 20th anniversary v-pets will appeal the most to people like me who know Digimon beyond the anime. I was really happy to see Belphemon's entire line make the Pendulum 20th lineup for example; we don't see Phascomon, Porcupamon, and Astamon pop up enough.
...but yeah, I'm gonna stop my wall of text here. Short version, Toei is failing so hard but Bandai is succeeding nicely. Ignore the anime for now like I'm going to and enjoy everything else Digimon has to offer beyond the anime such as the video games and so forth, because that's all good stuff. :)
I forgot I made this thread, but I'm going to bump it since I've been on a bit of a Digimon kick lately. It started with me picking up Digimon World on a whim and for the last week and a bit I've been going back and forth between stuff.
I'm currently at 30 something prosperity in Digimon World. I'll probably take a break for a while since my Angemon died, and I don't really feel like raising a new Digimon right now. I also played a bit of Digimon Anode Tamer since I saw Tag Tamers finally got a finished fan translation. I'll try to plow through that quick since it has been a while since I played it last, and then I'll move on to Tag Tamers.
And now to make this post actually anime related, I have started watching Digimon Savers. This is my favorite season, but this is my first time watching it subbed. It's been a while since I last watched it so I had forgotten how bad the animation could get early on. Hopefully the quality gets a bit better later on.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on August 27, 2020, 11:41:10 PM
And now to make this post actually anime related, I have started watching Digimon Savers. This is my favorite season, but this is my first time watching it subbed. It's been a while since I last watched it so I had forgotten how bad the animation could get early on. Hopefully the quality gets a bit better later on.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well; Savers is one of my favorite seasons, too! :) As for the animation quality, you're watching it subbed. The digital edits to the visuals that got made to the dub (You'll notice them when you see them) aren't a thing here, so those details won't look nearly as off as they were in the dub.
Anyway, Digimon stuff I've been doing as of late. I'm watching Digimon Adventure: (Which is actually a pretty good reboot, they changed a lot of stuff, too much to mention here), I watched Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna last night (Which while it has its flaws is still much,
much better than Digimon Adventure tri., which is the one thing I was hoping it would be), and recently raised Magnamon X on my Digital Monster X3 Yellow. I'll be raising NoblePumpkinmon on the X3 Yellow closer to Halloween for obvious reasons.
I am currently waiting for more information on Digimon Survive (Aren't we all?), and also for my Wave 1 Digimon Pendulum Zs and Digivice: to arrive in November. As neat as the Digivice: looks (LEDs around the display and it has actual gameplay), the Pendulum Zs should be especially fun; they have mostly new Digimon, both completely new (10 in total; they're all great, but MarineKimeramon is probably my favorite) and introduced throughout the year before their reveal (Including Morphomon from Kizuna, whose Champion and Ultimate are established to be Hudiemon and Jewelbeemon which the movie didn't do; they haven't revealed her Mega yet though) alike, and Digimon that don't appear in v-pet lineups often (You want five of the Warrior Ten? Well guess what,
you've got five of the Warrior Ten; the other five will definitely be in Wave 2), in their raisable lineups. The more well known Digimon are actually relegated to unlockable eggs on the Pendulum Zs (Wave 1's unlockable eggs feature Agumon, Agunimon, Gatomon, Armadillomon, and Wormmon; and
yes, you
can get Agumon -Bond of Courage- from the Agumon egg).
And speaking of Savers and the Pendulum Zs, my fingers are crossed so hard for the Chessmons to be on the Metal Empire Pendulum Z given that Gaomon's on the Nature Spirits Pendulum Z... those fellas absolutely
need to be raisable on something.
The english Digital Monster X has an official release date, July 15th. When they announced new colors I was hoping the white and blue one would get a good alt color. I don't like the blue and white one much but I prefer its roster. Unfortunately, I'm not too hot on the new colors either, so I'll probably just get the black and red one.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on April 23, 2021, 05:38:37 PM
The english Digital Monster X has an official release date, July 15th. When they announced new colors I was hoping the white and blue one would get a good alt color. I don't like the blue and white one much but I prefer its roster. Unfortunately, I'm not too hot on the new colors either, so I'll probably just get the black and red one.
I see the alternate color for White as being a reference to Dracomon X (Green) and Crusadermon X (Pink), both of whom are raisable on White. As such, I'm guessing that the alternate color for Black will reference Renamon X (Freshly introduced Rookie on Black, just as Dracomon X is on White) and Minervamon X (Won a fan poll to be included on Black, just like Crusadermon X did for White).
As I may have noted before, I am definitely buying White. I have 5 out of the 6 Digital Monster X releases (All Japanese versions), and White's the only one I'm missing. On which note, out of all 6 rosters, I'd have to say that the Blue Digital Monster X3 probably has my favorite roster of the bunch. :)
Lot's of Digimon stuff going down. Odaiba Day is just around the corner, and if the leaks are real then the next anime is finally a break from the Adventure wank. It seems like 02 is going to get a movie though, so it looks like Toei is trying to make a lot of people happy here. Ghost Game is an interesting title and I'm interested to see what it turns out to be.
The triceratops digimon looks neat, and I think makes for a unique main digimon. The other two just seem out of place to me.
I also just learned about these fan-made digimon a week or so ago, and I think they are really neat. Hopefully, they show up in the new anime or a future game because I'd like to see more of them.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on July 30, 2021, 11:25:11 AM
Lot's of Digimon stuff going down. Odaiba Day is just around the corner, and if the leaks are real then the next anime is finally a break from the Adventure wank. It seems like 02 is going to get a movie though, so it looks like Toei is trying to make a lot of people happy here. Ghost Game is an interesting title and I'm interested to see what it turns out to be.
The triceratops digimon looks neat, and I think makes for a unique main digimon. The other two just seem out of place to me.
I also just learned about these fan-made digimon a week or so ago, and I think they are really neat. Hopefully, they show up in the new anime or a future game because I'd like to see more of them.
Gammamon (I've also seen Ganmamon used, but the romanization "Ganma" can be used for both "Gamma" and "Ganma") being a triceratops is a nice changeup from the usual dragon and tyrannosaurus based main Digimon. The only other time we got anything aside from a dragon or tyrannosaurus based main mon was Gatchmon in Appli Monsters, and I've so been waiting for this to finally happen. Wouldn't surprise me if we get a Styracomon as one of his Digivolutions (We already have a Triceramon).
And I agree on the fan-made Digimon being neat. The inspirations for Ganvivormon (Bottom row on the left) and Madomon (Bottom row on the right) are quite wholesome; long story short, Ganvivormon is a tribute to the designer's wife who was fighting cancer at the time, and Madomon is a tribute to the designer's childhood dog.
On the merchandise side of things, the main Digimon from Ghost Game are getting Dim Cards for the Vital Bracelet, and as teased this past week, it looks like we're getting Ultraman and Kamen Rider collab Dim Cards as well (Those are apparently going to be called VBM Cards, but that's likely because "Dim" Stands for "Digimon Identified Memory", and Digimon the Ultras and Riders aren't). As someone who follows Ultraman and Kamen Rider, I'm curious to see which seasons are going to get representation, and it's cool to see Digimon having collabs with more franchises in this manner and not just Medabots. The fact that Digimon is actually getting collabs with two long runners such as Ultraman and Kamen Rider is a pretty big deal, even compared to the previous collabs IMO. (Though aside from Medabots, the previous collabs with Sanrio and Hatsune Miku were exclusively merchandise based; the only other notable collab thus far aside from Medabots, Ultraman, and Kamen Rider was Lili and Sebastian from Tekken showing up in Digimon World Re:Digitize.)
Quote from: WarOmnimon on July 31, 2021, 09:26:25 PM
As someone who follows Ultraman and Kamen Rider, I'm curious to see which seasons are going to get representation, and it's cool to see Digimon having collabs with more franchises in this manner and not just Medabots. The fact that Digimon is actually getting collabs with two long runners such as Ultraman and Kamen Rider is a pretty big deal, even compared to the previous collabs IMO.
I'm not convinced it is just a collab. I think the VB is being spun off into it's own thing and Bandai is going to start giving a bunch of their franchises VBs.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on July 31, 2021, 11:00:08 PM
Quote from: WarOmnimon on July 31, 2021, 09:26:25 PM
As someone who follows Ultraman and Kamen Rider, I'm curious to see which seasons are going to get representation, and it's cool to see Digimon having collabs with more franchises in this manner and not just Medabots. The fact that Digimon is actually getting collabs with two long runners such as Ultraman and Kamen Rider is a pretty big deal, even compared to the previous collabs IMO.
I'm not convinced it is just a collab. I think the VB is being spun off into it's own thing and Bandai is going to start giving a bunch of their franchises VBs.
You were spot on, LOL. Worth noting that the VBM Cards (Which is what they are referring to the Ultraman and Kamen Rider Dim Cards as) are confirmed to be cross compatible (Albeit there will be visual differences, mostly with stats and so forth, when used on the Digimon Vital Bracelet or Digivice V; same with using the Dim Cards on the Vital Bracelet Characters), so I'll still be scooping them up.
And yup, Ghost Game is real! Can't wait to see what Gammamon, Jellymon, and Angoramon's evolutions are going to be. As much as I like Gammamon, I'm most curious about Angoramon's evolutions. :)
All the news about Ghost Game has me pretty excited honestly. The cast seems good, the staff seems good, and a Digimon show with a bit of a horror tinge could be good.
The PV doesn't reveal much, but it looked neat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvwvx3Jvsg4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvwvx3Jvsg4)
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on September 11, 2021, 08:54:57 PM
All the news about Ghost Game has me pretty excited honestly. The cast seems good, the staff seems good, and a Digimon show with a bit of a horror tinge could be good.
The PV doesn't reveal much, but it looked neat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvwvx3Jvsg4 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvwvx3Jvsg4)
^ This! I am
super excited for Ghost Game, and I can't wait to see Gammamon, Angoramon, and Jellymon's evolutions. Given the connections I've heard in relates to the names of the human protags, I'm excited about the prospect of space dinosaur-based Digimon for Gammamon. Still most curious to see Angoramon's evolutions, though.
And yes, I've preordered Gammamon's Dim Card already, LOL. :)
Gammamon's evolutions leaked, and they look pretty good.
Just finished the first episode. It was a really great first episode.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on September 30, 2021, 04:59:42 PM
Gammamon's evolutions leaked, and they look pretty good.
Just finished the first episode. It was a really great first episode.
^ Both of these. Can't wait for the rest of the show... and the naming convention for Gammamon's evolutions is great. Astronomy was a big thing for me as a kid, so seeing Gammamon's evolutions named after stars (And in GrusGammamon's case an entire constellation) was awesome. :D
Digimon Con is happening in a few days, so I thought I would make some predictions.
First, Survive has to get a release date. If they are finally bringing it up again they have to have a release date set. No more delays, either cancel it or release it already. With that said I'm kind of expecting it to come out in June or July.
I also think they will probably tease the next Story game. Those are the big sellers for them and Survive's problems likely delayed the next Story game past it's originally intended release date. The tease could be as little as the title or maybe even a really short video showing off a couple of character designs and the starting digimon.
Now this is a pretty out there prediction, but maybe they'll announce a Ghost Game tie-in video game. Every Digimon tv anime had some kind of tie-in game except for Adventure:. Maybe Adventure: not getting one was a sign that they are done with tie-in games, but I think there is a slim chance for a video game set in the Ghost Game universe.
As for anime stuff I don't have many predictions. They'll talk a lot about Ghost Game, and maybe they'll have something to show from the new Adventure 02 movie. Since this is a global event they could mention an English dub of Adventure: since there have been rumors about that for a while.
My final prediction is there will be a new V-Pet announced. I think Bandai will want to focus mainly on the VB, but there is an audience for V-Pets that don't care about the VB. I don't think it will get multiple waves like the X's or Z's did, but it will be 1 wave with 2 or 3 different versions to keep V-Pet fans occupied.
Also I didn't play it much but RIP ReArise.
Good point of discussion here! :) My predictions for Digimon Con are as follows, with the key points in bold font.
First, video games, beginning with a release date for Digimon Survive. The trailer for Digimon Con showed a quick snippet of new footage for Survive, so it's not cancelled. I also see a teaser for the next Digimon Story game happening. As for a tie-in video game for Digimon Ghost Game, that's the one thing that Ryo-Okay mentioned that I don't see happening, at least not yet. The main reason being the aforementioned closing of Digimon ReArise. They'll probably announce the next Digimon mobile game now, and if we get a video game for Ghost Game, they'll announce that later. I can also see at least one earlier Digimon game getting ported to current consoles, and if so it'd probably be Digimon World Next 0rder for the Switch and / or PC.
Ryo-Okay's predictions for the anime talk are exactly the same as mine, so I won't repeat what he said, LOL.
As for my other predictions. First and foremost, I'm expecting the first deets on Digimon's 25th anniversary. Meaning, the reveal of the anniversary logo and the new anniversary posterboy (Following Dracomon for the 10th, Hackmon for the 15th, and Zubamon and Ludomon for the 20th, though Ludomon represented the 20th anniverasry of the Pendulums). Dracomon, Zubamon, and Ludomon were all revealed during the first quarter of their respective years (Dracomon in March 2007, Zubamon in January 2017, Ludomon in January 2018), so as far as the new anniversary posterboy, now seems to be the right time to reveal him. I also see at least the next several Dim Cards for the Vital Bracelet being announced, mostly because we don't know what's coming after Primeval Warriors (Wormmon) in March and we already know that Judgment of Heaven and Karma of the Gods are two Dim Cards that are coming from an earlier issue of V-Jump, but due to the Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon Dim Cards being delayed, those were likely held up as well. I'm also predicting Dim Cards for at least the anniversary Digimon to be announced (And if so, Zubamon and Ludomon would be day one preorders for me because Ragnalordmon's my favorite Digimon). I can also see a new v-pet with a smaller number of versions (Less waves than the Digimon X and Pendulum Z as Ryo-Okay said) being announced, but I'm not expecting that to happen as much as the other things I'm predicting. Mostly because the Digital Monster X is still in the midst of its international release and there's no word on if the rest of the world will get the Pendulum Zs or not yet.
The only think I am actively not expecting is anything related to Digimon Frontier's 20th anniversary. The merchandise that is being sold for Digimon Con is centric on Digimon Tamers, so they are still in the midst of its 20th anniversary celebration (Which is wrapping up at this point). It's likely that if we get anything for Frontier's 20th, it won't be announced until DigiFes (Or whatever they call it this year) in August.
lol it was actually nothing. What was even the point?
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 26, 2022, 09:32:56 PM
lol it was actually nothing. What was even the point?
^ This. Save for the Agnimon and Wolfmon Dim Cards (Called new Dim Cards being announced!) and confirmation that the Olympos XII will be the central Digimon of the next Digimon Story (Which despite Survive still being worked on is also being worked on, which is good news; I was stoked to hear that detail to be honest)... it was indeed nothing. And that's not all; as if to rub salt in the wound, the Pokemon Presents the next day confirmed Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for later this year. It's like Nintendo was
hoping Bandai would screw up and when they did, they
immediately cashed in their Money in the Bank briefcase. Just plain
savage. :staredog:
I'm not gonna lie, this is not a good spot for Digimon to be in going into its 25th anniversary this year... which Bandai hasn't even revealed the logo and initial details for yet. And it's double bad now that they've got Pokemon Gen 9 breathing down their necks. I'm saying this as a fan of both franchises... but it always seems like Pokemon always drops some kind of surprise nuke whenever Digimon messes up, doesn't it? This isn't the first time...
Survive finally has a release date for Japan, July 28th. Hopefully, the western release won't be far behind.
Confirmed it is getting released worldwide the same day, and we got a look at the box art.
Also RIP Rearise.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on April 18, 2022, 12:14:05 PM
Survive finally has a release date for Japan, July 28th. Hopefully, the western release won't be far behind.
Confirmed it is getting released worldwide the same day, and we got a look at the box art.
That's the
good news. The
bad news? Hours later, Nintendo announed that Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is coming out on the same day.
Houston, we have a problem. :staredog:
Also, in Vital Bracelet related news, it was announced at the beginning of the month that we're getting Dim Cards for not only Agnimon and Wolfmon, but also Fairimon, Chackmon, Blitzmon, and Loweemon in September. Already preordered all six (They come in two packs of three), and yes, the Warrior Ten are raisable across all of them, not just the Frontier Digimon. The lineups are surprisingly good; first time we're getting two Rookies per Dim Card, and the Digimon available go
well beyond just what's seen in the anime. Tinkermon and Kokabuterimon are on Fairimon and Blitzmon's Dims for example, and on Agnimon's Dim, 15 years since being introduced, DarkSuperstarmon is finally raisable in something. It just goes to show you how long some Digimon have to wait from being introduced to being on a v-pet, Digivice, or video game.
Also Vital Bracelet related, but also Digimon Ghost Game related. According to retail listings, Dim Card Set V3 (Gammamon being V1 and Angoramon & Jellymon being V2) will feature Espimon and Ryudamon. Espimon is obviously new; no pics yet because it's just a listing. On the other hand, Ryudamon's Dim Card coming out before Dorumon's is
very curious, but it also means he might show up in Ghost Game as a "Sixth Ranger" Digimon. I'd be down with that! :)
Also, if you haven't done so, take a moment to look up Xiquemon and Huankunshou (Chinese name; his Japanese name hasn't been revealed yet) at Wikimon. They're new Digimon featured in Digimon New Century (The currently running Chinese mobile game), and they're pretty cool. Especially the latter.
I watched the Survive trailer that released today, and I'm finally starting to get excited for it. All the delays had killed a lot of my interest, so when it got a release date I was just ready for it come out so we could move on. One thing in the trailer that rubbed me the wrong way, and this is just something I hate about Digimon games in general, is that it seems like we are getting more villains that aren't Digimon. I just want digimon to be the villains not other "digital monsters" that aren't digimon for some dumb reason.
Also the Vital Bracelet is getting an actual English release which is kind of cool. I'm still not too interested in it myself, but it's nice to see Bandai actually putting in some work to get Digimon products on shelves overseas. Now if only they would announce when the Digital Monster X 2s are getting released after they screwed them up.
Lots of recent announcements to take in and so forth in relates to Digimon. Espimon is coming to Digimon Ghost Game in this week's episode, we got our first peek at Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, which looks interesting so far. Also, Ukkomon is adorable. (BEX Card when?) The Vital Bracelet BE Digimon 25th Anniversary Edition went up for preorder, and its included BEX Card finally gives Monzaemon a Mega form in ShinMonzaemon. I get Monokuma vibes from that guy, and can't wait to raise him.
In news that might have gone under some people's radars, the most recent booster for the Digimon Card Game, which will be titled Draconic Roar when it comes over here, revealed a redesign for BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode (Who hasn't been seen officially in 20 years and is now beyond a mere recolor of Imperialdramon Fighter Mode) that the Digimon Reference Book profile has since confirmed is official. I'm really hoping he pops up on an upcoming BEX Card or the new Digimon Story, to be honest; the redesign is just plain awesome whatnot with the third eye and the Positron Laser Lance. *Points at his new profile photo*
Been loving Digimon Survive so far, of course. I started my Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th back up to raise Dorugoramon, and am currently running the Espimon Dim Card on my Vital Bracelet. Going after Bryweludramon, and then raising Durandamon on the Ryudamon Dim Card... anyone who knows their stuff knows where that's going. ;) In the meantime, I'm waiting to hear more about the next Digimon Story game with bated breath.
I'm way behind on Ghost Game, I think the last episode I watched was 20, but I saw Espimon in the Digimon Dreamers manga and he was fun there. ShinManzaemon's design is great, but so have most of the new Digimon introduced these past few years. The new spider Digimon on the Espimon or Ryudamon Dim is also really great.
Ryudamon's VA was announced and it is none other than Tenich himself, Masami Kikuchi. Ai Orikasa was also in Ghost Game earlier in the season as Tapirmon. I don't know what the current status of Tapirmon is in Ghost Game, but there is a chance that we could see Tenchi and Ryoko's VAs interact in a future episode.
As for Survive, I've already finished my first playthrough, and I'm currently on Part 6 of my second. I've really been enjoying it so far, and I'm surprised at how well a Digimon visual novel works. It feels like an interactive season of the anime, though a bit darker than the anime usually is. It's nice to have a Digimon game where the Digimon have actual personalities. For the first time in a Digimon game it feels like Agumon is my actual partner and not just a pet or an empty shell in my collection. I'm hoping it does well enough that we get a Survive 2 in the future.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on August 14, 2022, 02:22:47 PM
Ryudamon's VA was announced and it is none other than Tenich himself, Masami Kikuchi. Ai Orikasa was also in Ghost Game earlier in the season as Tapirmon. I don't know what the current status of Tapirmon is in Ghost Game, but there is a chance that we could see Tenchi and Ryoko's VAs interact in a future episode.
Later episode? How about the most recent episode, which not only marked Ryudamon's first appearance but
also marked Tapirmon's first appearance in a bit? How coincidental is
that? :) (Ryo-Okay confirmed psychic, LOL.)
Anyway, just finished raising Ragnalordmon on my Vital Bracelet. Taking a break from actually raising Digimon on there and working on training the Digimon (And Medabots) I already have in the Vital Bracelet Lab app for online battles. Currently, I have HeavyLeomon, Volcanicdramon, OmegaKnight, GaruruMetal, Ragnalordmon, and Bryweludramon (When DNA Digivolving on the Vital Bracelet, only the active Digimon goes to their next form; the other Digimon stays put, which is basically how I got to keep GaruruMetal when I DNA Digivolved GreyWars into OmegaKnight). Ragnalordmon is currently the second most powerful Digimon in the app behind Gallantmon Crimson Mode, though I won't be surprised if Susanomon shakes up the tier list again when the Digimon Frontier Dim Cards come out in September.
News of a Switch port of Digimon World Next Order may have leaked. I've never heard of this guy before, but supposedly he is reputable.
http://ryokutya2089.com/archives/58423 (http://ryokutya2089.com/archives/58423)
Bamco released an official trailer for it. It is releasing worldwide on February 22 on PC and Switch.
So, the Vital Bracelet BE is out and the Mega forms for Gammamon, Angoramon, and Jellymon have been revealed. Gammamon has a full dark line (Not just GulusGammamon), and Siriusmon and Arcturusmon, Gammamon's regular and dark Megas (Respectively), can DNA Digivolve into Proximamon, a third Mega whose profile confirms that he's pretty much a living reset button! O_O I wonder how the anime is going to handle Gammamon Digivolving into THAT form, but on the BE it's a DNA Digivolution. Angoramon and Jellymon's Mega forms Dilbitmon and Amphimon are also really cool... they made it hard for me to pick a favorite here.
As for what's going on with the BE beyond its initial drop. Angoramon's BE Memory Card is coming out in January (And it includes Plutomon; HYPED!), Jellymon's is coming out in March, and BE Memory Cards with Dragon (Savers / Data Squad Agumon, Dracomon, and Hackmon) and Beast (Gaomon, Coronamon, and Lunamon; and yes, GraceNovamon's on this one, HYPED AGAIN!) motifs are coming out in Spring 2023 with fan polls determining who the Adventure Mission unlocks are going to be. Beyond Digimon, the first of two confirmed My Hero Academia BE Memory Cards is out now, with the second one coming out right alongside Angoramon's and the first BE Memory Card for Tokyo Revengers in January. Still no word on when the Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba BE Memory Cards are coming out or if any other franchises are gonna be added to the lineup later (And if so I'm really hoping for Dragon Ball, Super Sentai, and / or Symphogear, the possibility of Kamen Rider and Ultraman coming back into the lineup notwithstanding and I hope so in that case too).
Aside from the Digimon Ghost Game anime and Vital Bracelet BE continuing onward and Digimon World Next Order's Switch and PC versions dropping in February, the main things we should be keeping our eyes on in 2023 for Digimon right now are the 25th anniversary of Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 (Yabuno said that he's hoping for Digimon who were primarily featured in V-Tamer such as Arcadiamon and UlforceVeedramon Future Mode to start showing up in more stuff) and the 20th anniversary of the Digimon Pendulum X Series. Years ending in "3" and "8" are oddballs for Digimon anniversaries because they're the ones that don't have any seasons of the anime involved, so it's usually all about the X-Antibody Digimon on those years as we saw back in 2018. (And oh, we got the Virus / blue Greymon X and Reapmon X via the Digimon Card Game recently, so there's a head start already, LOL.)
P.S. Where's the Digimon 25th anniversary's posterboy, Bandai? You're late!
Oh no, they are doing another Digimon Con next year. :rwhy:
https://twitter.com/DM_Partners/status/1603904388535586816 (https://twitter.com/DM_Partners/status/1603904388535586816)
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on December 16, 2022, 07:23:09 PM
Oh no, they are doing another Digimon Con next year. :rwhy:
https://twitter.com/DM_Partners/status/1603904388535586816 (https://twitter.com/DM_Partners/status/1603904388535586816)
To be fair, there are still some things that need to be discussed, namely the 25th anniversary posterboy (Whom we
still haven't seen for King Drasil knows what reason; he's officially the latest introduced anniversary posterboy for Digimon in terms of timing as he has officially beat Hackmon's record of not being revealed until November of his corresponding anniversary year), not to mention that we know that the next Digimon Story is being worked on. We'll probably get information on that during Digimon Con given that Digimon Survive isn't getting any DLC and from what we've seen so far, the Switch and PC ports of Digimon World Next 0rder aren't getting any new content, just QoL improvements.
I'm not expecting anything about Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning here, as the anime talk is confirmed to feature the casts of Ghost Game and Frontier. The big news coming out of this will probably be related to the new Digimon Story and / or the 25th anniversary's posterboy. Maybe also some Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 25th anniversary and / or Digimon Pendulum X 20th anniversary related stuff.
Quote from: WarOmnimon on December 16, 2022, 11:23:20 PM
The big news coming out of this
After this year's Digimon Con I wouldn't expect any "big news." Did any news drop at this year's? I don't remember any.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on December 17, 2022, 01:18:40 AM
Quote from: WarOmnimon on December 16, 2022, 11:23:20 PM
The big news coming out of this
After this year's Digimon Con I wouldn't expect any "big news." Did any news drop at this year's? I don't remember any.
The biggest thing that this year's Digimon Con gave us was official word that the next Digimon Story would feature the Olympos XII. Now that Digimon Survive is out and confirmed done already (No DLC or content updates) and it's been a year since they first mentioned that detail, we should be getting information on the next Digimon Story soon. Surely they must have made at least enough progress on the game since then to at least give us a teaser trailer. I don't see any other logical timeframe for them to do so to be honest, because the only timeframe after that would be E3 which never gave us any new Digimon game announcements. Given how long we had to wait until Survive, I simply do not see Bandai Namco waiting all the way until Tokyo Game Show 2023 to formally announce the next Digimon Story. It just feels like a "now or never" type situation to me here, LOL.
There's also the fact that Digimon Ghost Game's director said recently that the show's endgame has already been written. Combine that with the fact that the Jellymon BE Memory Card will be out in February as confirmed last night, we're probably nearing the end of the show, which means they might be lining up to at least tease whatever anime is coming after Ghost Game (Provided we don't get a break in between seasons afterward). And as I mentioned, the Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 25th anniversary and Digimon Pendulum X 20th anniversary are next year and, as we saw back in 2018, Bandai tends to
really lean into the Pendulum X anniversaries. The artist of V-Tamer also said recently that there's a chance of V-Tamer exclusive Digimon showing up elsewhere more often, so we might get some information on that too.
As someone who is absolutely loving the improvements they made to the Vital Bracelet BE compared to the original (The fact that stat training is possible now makes it
so much more engaging), a set with a V-Tamer BE Memory Card and Digivice 01 wrist strap / cover for the Vital Bracelet BE (Similar to the ones that came with the Digimon 25th anniversary BE) would be pretty rad actually, especially given that there's no sign of Veedramon's line in any of the announced BE Memory Cards right now. It probably means they're saving him for something special.
TLDR I somehow feel that last year's Digimon Con walked so that 2023's could run, if you understand what I'm saying. I feel that at least one notable reveal will be made this time unlike the first one.
We are a week away from Digimon Con, so I guess I'll post some predictions. I still don't have high expectations, so these predictions are a best-case scenario where Bamco learned from last year's mess of a show.
Anime wise I don't think we'll get much. I don't think Ghost Game will be wrapping up anytime soon. Personally, I think it will hit 100 episodes at least. If it ends this year I think it won't be until September, in which case a new anime wouldn't be announced until Digifes. Just because the end of the show has been written doesn't mean they will be getting there anytime soon, it just means they have an end goal that they can build too through all the one-off episodes. I haven't been keeping up with the new 02 movie, so maybe they will show a trailer or give a release date. There will probably be some news about the Adventure: dub, possibly a release date.
For games I'm having a hard time believing anything new will get properly announced since new Digimon games are usually announced through V-Jump. Maybe Bamco wants to use this as their own kind of Nintendo Direct and give us some game reveals though. If any new games get announced then it will obviously be the next Story game. If it is releasing this year then I would expect them to show a significant trailer, if it isn't coming out until next year then I don't expect any kind of trailer to be shown and instead, we will just be shown a few screenshots of the game, and get the designs of the main characters revealed and maybe the starters. For mobile games I think we might get an announcement that the Chinese mobile game is getting a global release. I've also seen people talking about and sharing quotes from Habu about some Digimon otome game, so if that is real then maybe that could be teased. Now for a really out-there prediction that I don't think would actually happen, but they could do a port of the PSP Adventure game and release it globally. The Adventure: dub is in the works, and Adventure nostalgia is still there, so putting the Adventure game on Switch could appeal to old fans and could be treated as a tie-in to the reboot, despite obviously having a different story than the reboot based on the original anime.
I don't think many toys or any v-pets will get announced. The BE just came out and the Ver. Color hasn't been released yet, so I doubt they would announce any new v-pets. Maybe announce some new Dim cards, or since I've heard the new BE mobile app sucks they could announce ways they are going to fix it. If the Adventure: dub has a presence at Digimon Con then I could see them maybe announcing some western toys that will be released alongside the dub. Maybe some new Japanese figures and toys too, but I don't keep up on toys much so I don't know what they would announce.
As for some miscellaneous stuff, they need to announce the 25th-anniversary digimon. If it doesn't get announced here then I can only assume they are dropping the idea of anniversary digimon altogether, which would be unfortunate.
A reminder that Digimon Con 2023 begins in about an hour and a half (8:00PM Eastern US time, 5:00PM Pacific US time). Meanwhile, a merchandise leak related to a new anime titled Digimon Seekers and a BE Memory Card for Loogamon (Supposedly the main Digimon for Seekers) has popped up. (I'll post an image if anyone wants to see it.) Perhaps that's the big 25th anniversary announcement on the schedule? Digimon Ghost Game was recently confirmed to be ending at the end of March unless it changes timeslots (Another anime is replacing it at the beginning of April), so this actually seems feasible.
I would have to guess that if this Seekers leak is true, they'll consider Loogamon to be the 25th anniversary Digimon due to the fact that Seekers would be considered an anniversary season in that case (The announcement that could be Seekers is specifically touted as being a new project for the anniversary on the schedule as I noted above).
Anyway, my responses to Ryo-Okay's predictions (Which are solid, just gave him a +1).
•Anime, Digimon 25th anniversary posterboy: See my comments above in relates to the Digimon Seekers leak. Unless Ghost Game is switching time slots, it's wrapping up in March. And if that's the case, the big announcement will probably be Seekers and they'll probably consider Loogamon to be the anniversary's posterboy because the big announcement is explicitly stated to be for the anniversary.
•Video games: Probably nothing new. There is a segment for the Switch / PC version of Digimon World Next Order on the schedule, but if the new project announcement ends up being Digimon Seekers, we won't be getting a reveal for the next Digimon Story just yet. If the announcement doesn't end up being Seekers, chances are that it will be the new Digimon Story.
•Toys & v-pets: Again, it goes back to the Seekers leak. If real, Loogamon is confirmed to be getting a BE Memory Card, so they are continuing to roll with the Vital Bracelet BE and BE Memory Card releases. There is a segment specifically for toys and so forth, and they've already confirmed that they will be revealing the results for the fan poll to determine the Adventure Mission Unlocks on the Agumon / Dracomon / Hackmon and Gaomon / Coronamon / Lunamon BE Memory Cards, so those will be announced as well as further details on those (Release dates and the mystery Megas; my guess is either ShineGreymon and MirageGaogamon's Burst Modes or Omegamon Zwart D to tie into Next Order given that he's usually a ShineGreymon + MirageGaogamon DNA Digivolution in the games). I'm expecting BE Memory Card announcements at absolute minimum. Possibly something related to the Digimon Pendulum X 20th anniversary if we're lucky, a Version 20th of those would be neato.
The Digimon Seekers leak is certainly real because, let's be honest, nobody cares enough to make Digimon fake leaks. It is most likely an anime, but I guess we don't know for certain. Loogamon is interesting because his name is close to the Appmon Logamon, and on the leaked image there is a character that is hard to make out but it looks kind of like Offmon. We might have a Huckmon-Hackmon situation where we are getting a Digimon that is clearly inspired by an Appmon, and Offmon is popular so he would be the one to copy. Also if Loogamon ends up being the MC mon then it will be only the second time I believe that the MC mon isn't a dino or dragon. A change that I am pretty happy with.
It's a shame that Ghost Game is most likely ending. I'm way behind, only on episode 30, but it felt like it had more it could do. They are only just now getting their megas, so I expected at least another 15-20 episodes.
I know in the schedule under "25th Anniversary Project" it says "New Project Announcement" but that doesn't necessarily mean Seekers will be the only thing announced. "New Project Announcement" could simply be referring to the 25th Anniversary Project as the singular project despite them often having many new games/anime/etc that are considered a part of them. Like the 15th Anniversary Project is considered one project, but both Digimon Adventure PSP and Digimon World Re:Digitize are considered a part of it. So we could get something else besides Seekers because it seems strange to me to spend 20 minutes on just an anime that won't be starting until July at the earliest. Assuming it won't be moved to a different timeslot and will follow up the Run For Money anime that's replacing Ghost Game.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 11, 2023, 07:09:39 PM
The Digimon Seekers leak is certainly real because, let's be honest, nobody cares enough to make Digimon fake leaks. It is most likely an anime, but I guess we don't know for certain. Loogamon is interesting because his name is close to the Appmon Logamon, and on the leaked image there is a character that is hard to make out but it looks kind of like Offmon. We might have a Huckmon-Hackmon situation where we are getting a Digimon that is clearly inspired by an Appmon, and Offmon is popular so he would be the one to copy. Also if Loogamon ends up being the MC mon then it will be only the second time I believe that the MC mon isn't a dino or dragon. A change that I am pretty happy with.
It's a shame that Ghost Game is most likely ending. I'm way behind, only on episode 30, but it felt like it had more it could do. They are only just now getting their megas, so I expected at least another 15-20 episodes.
I know in the schedule under "25th Anniversary Project" it says "New Project Announcement" but that doesn't necessarily mean Seekers will be the only thing announced. "New Project Announcement" could simply be referring to the 25th Anniversary Project as the singular project despite them often having many new games/anime/etc that are considered a part of them. Like the 15th Anniversary Project is considered one project, but both Digimon Adventure PSP and Digimon World Re:Digitize are considered a part of it. So we could get something else besides Seekers because it seems strange to me to spend 20 minutes on just an anime that won't be starting until July at the earliest. Assuming it won't be moved to a different timeslot and will follow up the Run For Money anime that's replacing Ghost Game.
That last point is certainly true! I was thinking a bit ahead there, LOL. You already mentioned the 15th anniversary's multiple aspects. There's also the fact that the Digimon 20th anniversary project had multiple aspects (Digimon Ver.20th, Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th, a tie-in with the Appmon arcade game, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory, etc.).
It is also worth noting that Seekers will be the first time that an anime of any form is explicitly part of Digimon's own anniversary rather than Digimon Adventure's anniversary (Like tri. and Last Evolution Kizuna were for Adventure's 15th and 20th). Based on the release date for Loogamon's BE Memory Card (It's listed for Q3 2023 in the leaked image), it will also be the first anime to start in a year ending in 3 or 8! :) Previously, the only anniversaries Bandai could really nod on those years are the Digimon Pendulum, Digimon Pendulum X, and V-Tamer, though we don't usually get stuff for the latter... speaking of which, I would love to see something for V-Tamer's 25th this year though, perhaps a Digivice 01 cover for the Vital Bracelet BE (Similar to the v-pet covers included with the 25th anniversary edition BE) and a V-Tamer BE Memory Card could happen?
^ The leaked image that me and Ryo-Okay are discussing for those who haven't seen it. (Ryo-Okay also has a point with the leaks always being real, because Digimon Ghost Game got leaked the day before it was announced. The same thing seems to be happening here, albeit on a smaller scale this time.)
So, Digimon Seekers isn't an anime, but a web novel and a new series of live-action shorts. Going back to having no Digimon anime for the foreseeable future is disappointing, but I'll give Seekers a chance. Loogamon doesn't really do it for me though.
Overall this Digimon Con was just as much of a nothing burger as last year. Seekers is the only real announcement we got, no new games or anime. We got a few new Digimon; Loogamon, the two new angel Digimon, plus a few new ones in the promo art for Seekers. At least it was only 4 hours this year instead of 6, and none of the segments were as bad as last years. The music segments were good, and the anime interview at the start was pleasant. I really wish Bandai would open up the shop on Partners globally though.
If Bandai wants to keep doing these then they need to either have some actual announcements or think up some better segments.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 12, 2023, 12:02:25 AM
Overall this Digimon Con was just as much of a nothing burger as last year.
Last year's Digimon Con, I'll give you.
That was a nothing burger, because the only announcement we got was a teaser for the Digimon Frontier Dims. (And then the Pokemon Presents the next day one-upped them.) This year's
wasn't a nothing burger because we got actual announcements this time. (Not to mention that they didn't put it before Pokemon Day this time, avoiding
that potential problem from happening again.)
Frustrating that Digimon Seekers isn't an anime, I'll agree with you on that too. I still think this was a better attempt than last year's Digimon Con by a mile or two. Not by a country mile, but like I said, a mile or two. We actually did get some actual announcements this year, 3 new Digimon as you just said (Loogamon doesn't look like much now but his Digivolved forms will probably be cool, Luxmon is just adorable, and ArkhaiAngemon finally completes the Digimon angelic choir)... well, technically 5 new Digimon because we also got Loogamon's Fresh and In-Training forms, some additional Vital Bracelet BE announcements. And hey, we're getting some improvements to the Vital Bracelet Arena app, such as actual single player content. I think that's pretty significant IMO.
In terms of me and Ryo-Okay's hopes going in, we can actually say we got two of them. Loogamon is our 25th anniversary Digimon (Already preordered his BE Memory Card on which note;
love that Herissmon and Bemmon's lines are also on it), and we're getting Vital Bracelet Arena app improvements. 2 out of what we hoped for ain't bad.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 12, 2023, 12:02:25 AM
If Bandai wants to keep doing these then they need to either have some actual announcements or think up some better segments.
Same here, except that'd probably ruin their strategy... if they did that, they'd have to undermine DigiFes which usually hosts the really big announcements. So I don't expect it to happen. The idea they are probably going with is Digimon Con for not so big info drops, and then DigiFes for the really big ones.
Possible hot take: IMO, DigiFes should be held closer to June 26, the actual anniversary of Digimon, rather than closer to August 1 which is an important date in one anime continuity but not the others... either that or do a stream closer to the anniversary like they did in 2021 (Which is when we found out about Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode) but didn't last year for whatever reason.
All eyes are now on April 3... I have a gut feeling that the beginning of Digimon Seekers might include more BE Memory Card info drops. If so, Dorumon and Ryudamon at minimum given that they're next to Loogamon in the key visual and the Digimon Pendulum X anniversary is in, well... April.
Side note: That upcoming Bird/Angel BE Memory Card's lineup even before the fan voted Adventure Mission unlocks come into play looks SNK boss tier good. My jaw actually hit the floor when I saw Dominimon, because that means the other V-Tamer Digimon are officially on the table to be considered for later BE Memory Cards and / or possibly even the new Digimon Story. Yes please.
Quote from: WarOmnimon on February 18, 2023, 09:43:09 PM
Same here, except that'd probably ruin their strategy... if they did that, they'd have to undermine DigiFes which usually hosts the really big announcements. So I don't expect it to happen. The idea they are probably going with is Digimon Con for not so big info drops, and then DigiFes for the really big ones.
The big problem I guess is Digimon Con hasn't really justified the length of the event with the content it has. I think they either need to do a better job of getting worthwhile announcements, or they should focus more the celebrating the franchise parts. The interview with Hiro and Takuya's seiyuu was enjoyable, AiM's concerts were great. They should focus on making Digimon Con more like a digital DigiFes where people around the world can see performances like DigiFes has without going to Japan. Downplay the announcements more so people don't build the event up to be something it isn't and instead hype up Aim's concerts and more interviews with seiyuu would be good. Does anybody care about the card game segments that take up almost an hour of the event? Cut those and just have a 20 minute segment showing off new cards.
Digimon Con has less news than a Nintendo Direct but is 8 times longer.
Quote from: WarOmnimon on February 18, 2023, 09:43:09 PM
Possible hot take: IMO, DigiFes should be held closer to June 26, the actual anniversary of Digimon, rather than closer to August 1 which is an important date in one anime continuity but not the others... either that or do a stream closer to the anniversary like they did in 2021 (Which is when we found out about Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode) but didn't last year for whatever reason.
I think you just get too hung up on anniversary stuff sometimes and want everything to revolve around it. DigiFes started as a celebration of Adventure, Odaiba Day was already a big day for the community by that point, and Bandai dubbed August 1st Digimon day. Nothing wrong with letting that continue to be a big day for the franchise instead of trying to change it almost a decade into the event.
Interestingly it seems that a Ghost Game dub is in the early stages, but the Adventure: dub hasn't aired yet. I don't watch dubbed anime myself, so this news on it's own doesn't mean much to me. It does show that Toei and Bandai are seriously committed to the western market though. 10 years ago we weren't even getting games in English, now we have two anime dubs in the works, games are getting global releases, and Bamco just had the Digimon event in California. Despite some problems I have here and there the series really is in a good spot, especially for western fans.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 19, 2023, 11:12:24 AM
Digimon Con has less news than a Nintendo Direct but is 8 times longer.
Except that in this case the Nintendo Direct that happened days before Digimon Con was pretty much "Nintendo Direct: Ports, Remasters, & DLC Edition". They didn't announce any major new games that we didn't know about before aside from, well, ports and remasters. (Pikmin 4 doesn't count because it had already been announced prior, and yes, I consider the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance apps to be in the same category as ports.) Digimon Con actually gave us legitimate new stuff. In this specific case, I don't think that's a fair comparison. If it were pretty much any other Nintendo Direct, though? Yes.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 19, 2023, 11:12:24 AM
I think you just get too hung up on anniversary stuff sometimes and want everything to revolve around it. DigiFes started as a celebration of Adventure, Odaiba Day was already a big day for the community by that point, and Bandai dubbed August 1st Digimon day. Nothing wrong with letting that continue to be a big day for the franchise instead of trying to change it almost a decade into the event.
Not disagreeing with you there, LOL. My primary point with that comment is that it's super inconsistent that there was a stream near the date of the Digimon 24th anniversary in 2021 whereas there
wasn't a stream near the date of the 25th anniversary last year, particularly because 24th isn't a milestone anniversary number like 25th is... and yet, THE iDOLM@STER Million Live! 10th anniversary got a stream with notable announcements and updates last week,
and on its exact date noless. Had to bring it up because Digimon and iM@S are both Bandai Namco franchises... which makes the whole thing look even
more inconsistent.
Off topic: If you want to talk about me getting hung up about anniversaries, the ToHeart 25th anniversary last year passing without even getting a passing mention from Aquaplus? Despite the fact that it was one of the more influential franchises on Japanese media at the time and its influence is still felt today? I get it, they were busy with the Utawarerumono 20th anniversary... but then they also bothered to give the White Album 2 Closing Chapter 10th anniversary a passing mention while still completely ignoring the ToHeart 25th? That, I'm actually hung up about.Quote from: Ryo-Okay on March 05, 2023, 10:25:58 PM
Interestingly it seems that a Ghost Game dub is in the early stages, but the Adventure: dub hasn't aired yet. I don't watch dubbed anime myself, so this news on it's own doesn't mean much to me. It does show that Toei and Bandai are seriously committed to the western market though. 10 years ago we weren't even getting games in English, now we have two anime dubs in the works, games are getting global releases, and Bamco just had the Digimon event in California. Despite some problems I have here and there the series really is in a good spot, especially for western fans.
^ All of this. Sending you a +1. :)
Ghost Game ends tomorrow. Seekers starts in just over a week. Adventure 02 The Beginning finally has a release date, it's October 27th. And this year's DigiFes is announced to be happening on July 30th. Lots of things going on right now.
The Digimon Color V3, V4, and V5 were announced at the beginning of the week and went up for preorder. Unlike the Digimon Color V1 and V2 which simply copied the Ver.20th lineups and added one new Mega apiece, they actually changed most of the Megas for the V3 to V5 with only HiAndromon and Machinedramon being retained on the V3 and V5 respectively. As for changes, V3 got BanchoLeomon and Reapermon (KingEtemon is gone), V4 got Darkdramon, Bloomlordmon, and Gankoomon (Everyone was changed; both Aegisdramon and Titamon are gone), and V5 got Gaiomon and Raidenmon (Puppetmon is gone). They also added Kimeramon as an extra Ultimate to the V3, and it appears that Chaosmon, Millenniumon, and Gaiomon Itto Mode are available as DNA Digivolutions if you have two (Chaosmon for V3 + V4, Millenniumon for V3 + V5, Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode for V4 + V5). On which note, the removal of Aegisdramon means that RustTyranomon is gone as a DNA Digivolution (He was Aegisdramon + Machinedramon on the Ver.20th).
Statistically and including the Vital Bracelet, this marks the first v-pet appearances for Reapermon, Gankoomon (Specifically his base form; Gankoomon X was raisable on the Digital Monster X3, but we haven't been able to raise his base form on a v-pet until now), Raidenmon, Millenniumon, and Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode. If you don't count the Vital Bracelet as a v-pet (I do), it's also the first v-pet appearance for Bloomlordmon.
I've already preordered my V5, that one having both Gaiomon and Raidenmon (Not to mention the shell color matching Raidenmon; this wasn't intentional obviously because the original V5 came out before he was a thing, it's merely an awesome coincidence) sold me on it. I'll be preordering a V4 as well once there's more money in my PayPal (Should be soon), curious to see which out of Gankoomon and Bloomlordmon is going to be Gaiomon's DNA Digivolution partner for Fierce Blade Mode. Either or could work, honestly.
EDIT Got my V4 preordered, too. Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode is my goal on the Digimon Colors once they get here in September. For now, still working on Vital Bracelet BE related stuff. Draconic Blaze and Rampage of the Beast come out next Saturday, and I'll be going for GraceNovamon once those get here.
Digimon Dreamers is moving from the magazine it's been published it to the official Digimon website. It's going to get official English and Chinese translations too. I'm expecting it to be a poor machine translation like Seekers is, but it is still an interesting move. Maybe someday Bandai can partner up with an actual manga/novel translation company so we can get some proper translations and a physical release.
Aside from that though not much interesting is going on with Digimon right now. I can only hope that an official announcement of the next Story game isn't too far away. I don't even need a big reveal trailer. Just share some details, the title, and the main character's design in V-Jump like they did when Cyber Sleuth was revelaed.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on June 03, 2023, 03:12:46 PM
Digimon Dreamers is moving from the magazine it's been published it to the official Digimon website. It's going to get official English and Chinese translations too. I'm expecting it to be a poor machine translation like Seekers is, but it is still an interesting move. Maybe someday Bandai can partner up with an actual manga/novel translation company so we can get some proper translations and a physical release.
Aside from that though not much interesting is going on with Digimon right now. I can only hope that an official announcement of the next Story game isn't too far away. I don't even need a big reveal trailer. Just share some details, the title, and the main character's design in V-Jump like they did when Cyber Sleuth was revelaed.
Quoted for truth. All of this, 100%.
Some smaller things have been happening in the meantime. We have Loogamon's entire line courtesy of his BE Memory Card now. As I predicted, his Mega form is based on Fenrir (And is even named Fenriloogamon). Datamines also confirm that he's getting a DNA Digivolution with Kazuchimon known as Fenriloogamon Takemikazuchi, but we don't have the Pulsemon BE Memory Card yet so this form isn't raisable right now. It's similar to Alphamon Ouryuken with Kazuchimon becoming a sword, but also different in that Fenriloogamon holds the sword in his mouth (Because he's a wolf)... and it can transform into nunchuck swords. I also believe this is the first established main DNA Digivolution between a regular Digimon (Kazuchimon) and an X-Antibody Digimon (Fenriloogamon), which is something they've never really done before.
Toy listings also confirm that we're getting Digimon Adventure 02 BE Memory Cards in October just in time for the new movie (My one hope for those? BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode please, K THX BAI) and the Digimon X3s are finally coming over to the US soon. As a reminder, if you're going to raise Jesmon GX, you'll need both versions of the X3. Still no release date for Holy Wing and Forest Guardian, but I'm sure we'll get those soon.
Yup, I saw all of Loogamon's evos when they leaked. They're cool, but since I'm not actively reading Seekers and I don't have a BE they don't mean much to me right now. I didn't realize that that was the first Jogress between an X-Antibody and a non-X-Antibody until you pointed it out. That feels like a detail that might get highlighted in a Reference Book entry but then be ignored everywhere else.
I hadn't heard that the X3s were coming. With the whole mess that the English X2's release was I ended up not buying one. I should pick one up soon before the X3s come out.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on June 05, 2023, 08:25:58 PM
I hadn't heard that the X3s were coming. With the whole mess that the English X2's release was I ended up not buying one. I should pick one up soon before the X3s come out.
That's because they haven't been officially announced yet, but some toy retailers (I believe the retailer was in Asia just like when the English release for the X1s and X2s got leaked before the official announcement) showed them. I have both Japanese X3s already so I don't need to get them, but the X3 Yellow's US exclusive shell color seems to be referencing Meramon X (Orange with green buttons IIRC) and looks pretty rad.
Speaking of which, I'm only missing the X1 White to have the whole set of 6. I didn't have enough money to get both X1s when they were announced and went with X1 Black because I preferred its roster over X1 White's. Renamon X, Tyranomon X, and Sakuyamon X all being on X1 Black sold me on it... not to mention that the Digimon previously exclusive to X1 White that I wanted ended up on X2s and X3s later anyway (And I got all 4 of those). I did manage to get all 6 Pendulum Zs, though. I
really hope those come over eventually because they combine what's so great about both the Digimon X and the original Pendulums and more people should have the opportunity to check them out.
Bandai finally announces new Vital Hero stuff, and it is DC stuff, not Digimon. A Batman VH with Batman Dim and they have a DC Heroes Dim and DC Villains Dim advertised on the side of the box. I have a feeling they won't be releasing anymore Digimon related VH stuff over here.
https://twitter.com/VitalheroOFC/status/1669012432025714689 (https://twitter.com/VitalheroOFC/status/1669012432025714689)
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on June 14, 2023, 12:27:47 PM
Bandai finally announces new Vital Hero stuff, and it is DC stuff, not Digimon. A Batman VH with Batman Dim and they have a DC Heroes Dim and DC Villains Dim advertised on the side of the box. I have a feeling they won't be releasing anymore Digimon related VH stuff over here.
https://twitter.com/VitalheroOFC/status/1669012432025714689 (https://twitter.com/VitalheroOFC/status/1669012432025714689)
Nah, they're still releasing Digimon stuff. Bandai said "stay tuned" when someone asked if more Digimon Dim Cards were getting released for the Vital Hero on Twitter, so Digimon's not done there.
That being said, DC making it into the lineup is a nice surprise in my opinion. Those are being branded as VHM Cards by the way, similar to how Kamen Rider and Ultraman got VBM Cards. As someone who collects not only the Digimon Memory Cards for the Vital Bracelet, I've needed another franchise to buy Memory Cards for and DC definitely falls into that category. I've been buying the Digimon, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, and My Hero Academia Memory Cards but I don't follow Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Run For Money so I've skipped / will be skipping those and it seems like they're done with Rider, Ultraman, and Academia (At least for now with the latter). Good to see another set I can collect. :)
I'm guessing future VHM Cards released alongside the Vital Hero series will probably be based on other franchises that Bandai has toy rights to, don't have BE Memory Cards, and are recognizable to western audiences. Such as Dragon Ball, Evangelion, Godzilla, Gundam, Naruto, and One Piece. And of course, continuing to release English versions of Dim Cards like they pretty much confirmed they are going to be doing.
Back on topic. We got Hi-Commandramon and Brigadramon to complete Commandramon's new secondary line via Booster 14 of the Digimon Card Game. The new line is Commandramon > Hi-Commandramon > Cargodramon > Brigadramon. Brigadramon is pretty much WarGreymon with Aile Strike Gundam's backpack and MetalGarurumon X's chaingun and looks a
lot cooler than that description makes him sound.
...darn, now I want Bandai to announce the inevitable Commandramon BE Memory Card.
Double posting because stuff happened. At the end of June, they announced the Dorumon and Ryudamon BE Memory Cards for an October release (Got mine preordered already; those are mah bois!), and DigiFes is right around the corner which means new information on Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning (And the 02 BE Memory Card set that also drops in October according to toy listings) should be coming up at the end of the month. The Digimon Dreamers manga is also being published on the Digimon website now, and it seems like they're doing a better translation job with it than the machine translation that Digimon Seekers is being passed through.
The lineups for Dorumon and Ryudamon are fantastic, by the way. Dorumon got all three of his lines (Yes, the Death-X line actually made it into something for once!), not to mention that Gundramon is on there (Which means we just need Beelstarmon to complete the Three Musketeers). Ryudamon's BE Memory Card also includes both of Commandramon's lines (Exactly what I was hoping to see!) plus Numemon, Monzaemon, ShinMonzaemon, and all three Etemons, among others. Given Darkdramon on Ryudamon, I'm expecting BanchoLeomon to be on Pulsemon's BE Memory Card because, well, Chaosmon.
And yes, we're still waiting on the new Digimon Story... I'm gonna have to guess at this point that we're gonna want to keep our eyes on Tokyo Game Show, because there's no way they'll announce that during Gamescom, and the chances of it getting announced at DigiFes are practically zero given that DigiFes is gonna be centered on Digimon Adventure 02. If it doesn't get announced during TGS, uh oh.
Speaking of that 02 BE Memory Card Set... if Veedramon's line isn't on Veemon's BE Memory Card, that's the tell that we're gonna get a V-Tamer BE Memory Card. And if that happens, I'm preordering on day 0. Forget day 1. Also, BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode please.
This year's DigiFes was about what I expected. Just some more news on the 02 movie. It had slipped my mind that the manga competition winners were going to be announced today though, so that's neat. It's a shame they didn't have a grand prize winner though.
Most of the exciting news we got had to do with western releases of the anime and that happened before DigiFes. 02 is getting a couple of blu-ray boxsets, which is cool. The most shocking news though was the Digimon movie collection containing Digimon Adventure, Our War Game, and Hurricane Touchdown which I never thought would get proper releases over here. Plus they are getting new dubs with as much of the original cast as they could get, even some that hadn't been in any of the recent movie dubs. Also Digimon The Movie is getting a new release. Whether you like subs, dubs, or the mashed together theatrical film, it feels like the people at Discotek are trying to release something for every Digimon fan.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on July 30, 2023, 01:02:01 PM
This year's DigiFes was about what I expected. Just some more news on the 02 movie. It had slipped my mind that the manga competition winners were going to be announced today though, so that's neat. It's a shame they didn't have a grand prize winner though.
Most of the exciting news we got had to do with western releases of the anime and that happened before DigiFes. 02 is getting a couple of blu-ray boxsets, which is cool. The most shocking news though was the Digimon movie collection containing Digimon Adventure, Our War Game, and Hurricane Touchdown which I never thought would get proper releases over here. Plus they are getting new dubs with as much of the original cast as they could get, even some that hadn't been in any of the recent movie dubs. Also Digimon The Movie is getting a new release. Whether you like subs, dubs, or the mashed together theatrical film, it feels like the people at Discotek are trying to release something for every Digimon fan.
No grand prize winner for the manga competition means that they're probably going to announce it later. And yeah, that Digimon movie collection announcement blew my mind, especially the fact that they're redubbing the movies with as much of the original cast they could get. Never thought I'd see that happen. They said it was the first one, so perhaps we'll get a second movie collection later.
As for the 02 BE Memory Cards, pretty much all anime forms (None of the extra armors from the D-3 and so forth) plus several baddies, Dinobeemon, Valkyrimon, and Vikemon. No Veedramon means the chances of a V-Tamer 01 BE Memory Card coming out later have officially skyrocketed, which is
very good news. It's also worth noting that Ukkomon made it as an Adventure Mission unlock (CALLED IT!) and there is a mystery Mega... likely whatever new form they're giving Veemon in the new movie. I'm guessing a fourth mode for Imperialdramon involving Ukkomon, particularly because there's no mystery Champion or Ultimate in between.
...if there's no new form in the movie at all (Possible because the new trailer didn't show any new forms or even who the villain is going to be), maybe they'll give that mystery slot to BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode... which would be awesome honestly. The redesign they gave him last year is much cooler than it deserves to be and
should be used in stuff.
And yeah, just as I predicted, no video game related announcements at DigiFes. Tokyo Game Show or bust it is for the new Digimon Story.
Appmon and Ghost Games anniversaries happened. The Beginning is releasing soon. Pendulum Colors got announced. But still no game news.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on October 03, 2023, 10:06:03 PM
Appmon and Ghost Games anniversaries happened. The Beginning is releasing soon. Pendulum Colors got announced. But still no game news.
No game news at Tokyo Game Show means that what I was afraid of coming to pass has indeed come to pass. We're gonna have to wait until 2024 to hear about the next Digimon Story, because there is absolutely
zero chance of The Game Awards giving Digimon
any bit of spotlight. At least Bandai came prepared and made sure at least
something is going on in between with the Pendulum Colors, which a
lot of people wanted to see happen, myself included. So I'd say that's good enough to tide us over while we wait. Already got mine preordered and now I'm wishing February would get here that much sooner, LOL.
Speaking of which, the Digimon Colors are, for lack of a better term,
hotness. :) Got my V4 and V5 in recently and finished my first runs on both, specifically for Chaosdramon. Working towards Gankoomon on the V4 now.
Something card game related is in the works. We got a new Magnamon X form and a couple new digimon. We don't know what exactly it entails yet, but it could be interesting. The title was blurred out, but it seems to read Digimon Liberator to me. Also, I think the new digimon hatched from the Ogudomon X egg. The rookie looks cool, but his, I assume, mega in the background looks a bit generic.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on October 30, 2023, 08:57:00 PM
Something card game related is in the works. We got a new Magnamon X form and a couple new digimon. We don't know what exactly it entails yet, but it could be interesting. The title was blurred out, but it seems to read Digimon Liberator to me. Also, I think the new digimon hatched from the Ogudomon X egg. The rookie looks cool, but his, I assume, mega in the background looks a bit generic.
The new Digimon hatching from the Ogudomon X egg (And thus being Jesmon X's disciple) is one guess I have about him. Another guess I have is that he might end up being one of the Vortex Warriors, which is the group that MedievalDukemon leads. We haven't seen that followed up on yet and it's one of the very few things they have yet to follow up on in recent media. I mean, we even got more D-Brigade Digimon this year! What we
do know is that we're going to find out more in December. (And yes, the title also seems to be Digimon Liberator to me. Most of the letters are visible if you look closely enough.)
As it wasn't noted, I'm going to do so here. The Digimon Pendulum Colors got announced at the beginning of October, and preorders went up for the first three. I've already got mine preordered. I have nothing but praise for the lineups. Tlalocmon's a cool new Jogres, especially given that they don't delve into Aztec mythology too much. The lineup of additional Digimon has some nice surprises (
Especially Callismon on Nightmare Soldiers!). And being able to raise Angoramon, Jellymon, and Loogamon via connection unlocks a la the Pendulum Zs is a nice bonus.
They've also pretty much confirmed via a poll that Gammamon will be the connection unlock on Virus Busters. No word on who that could be for Wind Guardians and Metal Empire yet though. Dorumon and Ryudamon? Pulsemon and Espimon (And if so
please give Espimon his Ultimate and Mega)? Maybe the new Digimon is one of them?
Digimon Liberator was properly announced. It's a webcomic and starts next year. We'll get more info in January. 3 new Digimon were shown off with it, the poster boy from the teaser, a plush toy in a shoe, and a pink and blue guy that I can't really make out much. The main Digimon's colors are nice, and it reminds me a bit of Merveamon's younger brother from Xros Wars.
Also, Digimon Con 2024 was announced. I'm not expecting any announcements, so I hope they can make more interesting segments this year.
Thoughts on the initial Digimon Liberator teaser in a nutshell. (I say initial because we're getting a proper reveal in January as Ryo-Okay pointed out.)
•Really digging the three new Digimon, though we can't see much of the one in the upper left corner. (Me to Bandai: Please put them on BE Memory Cards or use at least one of them as unlockables in the Wave 2 Digimon Pendulum Colors, K THX BAI-)
•The bird certainly isn't Jesmon's disciple at this point, but given that tornado on his finger in the first visual, my speculation that his Ultimate form might be a Vortex Warrior has more weight to it now. I'm also getting masked luchador vibes from him (Maybe Digimon's answer to Hawlucha?)... which means if his Ultimate isn't a Vortex Warrior, it could be a wrestler which I'd also be down for. Also, his color scheme is really cool. Like this guy already.
•The mouse in the shoe looks cute. Looking forward to seeing his evolutions. If there's one thing we know about Digimon at this point, we know that unexpectedly awesome evolutions can come from the least likely Digimon.
•Very happy about the choices of returning Digimon to act as main protags, especially the Pendulum Z boys. (Yay, Ghostmon!) Omekamon's inclusion is the most interesting to me, because if he gets new evolutions we'll finally get a full proper line for ToyAgumon (ToyAgumon > Omekamon has been a thing for a while now, so we'd just slap ToyAgumon at the beginning of whatever they do with Omekamon here).
Also, it's not the Digimon Adventure 25th anniversary we're celebrating next year, but the Digimon Anime 25th anniversary. Looks like I was right about Bandai realizing that Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning coming out so close to the end of this year would severely limit their options if they just celebrated Adventure's anniversary given that there wouldn't be enough time to produce yet another sequel movie this time, LOL. Digimon Con 2024 is going to be talking about that... hopefully we'll get a proper anniversary season that stands out on its own.
One more thing. Digimon New Century introduced another brand new Digimon, Takutoumon. The fact that his beard gives Gankoomon's a run for its money aside, I love the idea and hopefully we get the other members of the Four Heavenly Kings as Digimon to go with him eventually.
*Mutters something about Bandai Namco not wanting to make a fully detailed Digimon announcement this close to Christmas for some reason and yet feeling that it's okay to make potentially big announcements for THE iDOLM@STER on Christmas Day being super inconsistent under his breath despite being a fan of both franchises*
Double post because we finally got a proper update on the Digimon Liberator side of things this morning in the form of Pteromon, Galemon, Shoemon, and Shoeshoemon's Digimon Reference Book profiles. Turns out that Shoemon is a chipmunk or squirrel, not a mouse. Didn't see that coming, but it makes me happy because we haven't had a chipmunk or squirrel Digimon yet. So happy that I changed my profile photo over it, LOL. :)
Really hoping we get an announcement of BE Memory Cards for Pteromon and Shoemon and / or confirmation of them being on the Wind Guardians and Metal Empire Digimon Pendulum Colors as unlockables soon. (Though I'm guessing that Espimon will end up being the Metal Empire Pendulum Color unlockable, so BE Memory Cards seem more ideal; we already know Gammamon will be the unlockable on Virus Busters.)
Pteromon and Galemon are great and are already some of my favorite new Digimon from the last few years. I like Shoemon, but Shoeshoemon just doesn't do it for me. I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like it much, but I don't. I don't think it's bad and I'm sure it will grow on me, but right now I'm not a fan.
We recently got some smaller info drops for Digimon Liberator. A couple more Tamers were revealed, and it looks like BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode is going to be a major baddie (Which means if we get BE Memory Cards based on Liberator, he'll be raisable on one of them... I've been waiting for this!). Still not much else beyond that; seems like we'll have to wait until Digimon Con for further info drops.
The Digimon Pendulum Colors and Pulsemon BE Memory Card are being released on February 22, so I should have mine by the end of the month. In the meantime, I started my Digimon Pendulum Z II Virus Busters back up recently and am en route to raising Huanglongmon.
Habu is no longer in charge of Digimon games. It's so over.
https://twitter.com/habumon/status/1759843635770904977 (https://twitter.com/habumon/status/1759843635770904977)
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on February 20, 2024, 11:22:48 AMHabu is no longer in charge of Digimon games. It's so over.
https://twitter.com/habumon/status/1759843635770904977 (https://twitter.com/habumon/status/1759843635770904977)
This made me upset enough for me to have to eat some Pop Tarts (My personal comfort food) not long after hearing about it and that is all I will say on the matter for now aside from seven words. Those seven words being, and I quote... "I don't like where this is going."
Digimon Con's schedule is out and it is looking like a whole lot of nothing again this year. At least I have Liberator to look forward to.
The one thing I'm hoping from in Digimon Con's program lineup (Unless there's more than what they're saying in it) is that the Digivice 25th Anniversary Project is a Digivice Color. If that's a Super CSA Digivice, then this year's Digimon Con is already confirmed to be a nothingburger for me and I'm actually going to be angry. (Context: Digimon Con is happening right before my birthday this year, and the last thing I want to deal with going into my birthday on any year is disappointment.)
First 2 hours of Digimon Con were a wash, but the Liberators stuff saved it for me. We got a look at it and it is in the webtoon format, but then out of nowhere, they announced there will also be a Liberators web novel. They didn't make it clear if the novel would be in English simultaneously, but I assume it will. The idea of the webtoon and the novel being different stories that can connect sounds fun. Also Impmon being the female MCs partner makes me think we might get Beelstarmon which would be cool. Then they announce they are doing a Digimon manga digital magazine with a bunch of Digimon manga including something from Yabuno, which I assume will be a Dreamers follow up. That was the biggest announcement of the night, and I'm really looking forward to it.
As for the new digimon revealed, I'm mixed. I think Pteromon's babies are great, I also think Pteromon's ultimate and Shoemon's ultimate are good. I really don't like the megas. Cinderallamon I can at least appreciate the inspiration and how they made Cinderella look as a Digimon, but Pteromon's mega is really ugly to me. I wish that his ultimate was his mega and they tossed in something else for the ultimate. Also, the fact that they still haven't fully revealed the pink digimon is strange. I wonder why they are keeping it so mysterious.
Overall, I'd say this was a slightly better showing than last year, but not by much. No new games and anime sucks, but I appreciate Bandai investing in cheaper mediums, like manga and novels, to keep the franchise going in between. The franchise feels like it is in a bit of a dry spell, but compared to what things used to be like between anime seasons we are getting way more content now then we would have years ago. My expectations for Digimon Con were low, but it just barely managed to surpass them.
Quote from: Ryo-Okay on March 10, 2024, 01:27:48 AMFirst 2 hours of Digimon Con were a wash, but the Liberators stuff saved it for me. We got a look at it and it is in the webtoon format, but then out of nowhere, they announced there will also be a Liberators web novel. They didn't make it clear if the novel would be in English simultaneously, but I assume it will. The idea of the webtoon and the novel being different stories that can connect sounds fun. Also Impmon being the female MCs partner makes me think we might get Beelstarmon which would be cool. Then they announce they are doing a Digimon manga digital magazine with a bunch of Digimon manga including something from Yabuno, which I assume will be a Dreamers follow up. That was the biggest announcement of the night, and I'm really looking forward to it.
As for the new digimon revealed, I'm mixed. I think Pteromon's babies are great, I also think Pteromon's ultimate and Shoemon's ultimate are good. I really don't like the megas. Cinderallamon I can at least appreciate the inspiration and how they made Cinderella look as a Digimon, but Pteromon's mega is really ugly to me. I wish that his ultimate was his mega and they tossed in something else for the ultimate. Also, the fact that they still haven't fully revealed the pink digimon is strange. I wonder why they are keeping it so mysterious.
Overall, I'd say this was a slightly better showing than last year, but not by much. No new games and anime sucks, but I appreciate Bandai investing in cheaper mediums, like manga and novels, to keep the franchise going in between. The franchise feels like it is in a bit of a dry spell, but compared to what things used to be like between anime seasons we are getting way more content now then we would have years ago. My expectations for Digimon Con were low, but it just barely managed to surpass them.
Yeah, this year's Digimon Con had a slow start but then we got to the Digivice Color (I know it has a longer name than that but I'm referring to it as the Digivice Color for simplicity sake; preordering that bad boy as soon as preorders go up at JYW of course) and Liberator reveals which saved it for me, too.
Super happy that I called Zephagamon being a Vortex Warrior well in advance. Didn't expect GrandGalemon to
also be a Vortex Warrior, though. MedievalDukemon isn't alone anymore!
Not much going on with Digimon lately. Liberator is trucking along, but I still haven't checked it out. The Vital Braclet app is shutting down. The only real announcements have been the first batch of manga/comics for Digimon Comic was announced, and they could be neat. I'm hoping that Digimon Comic will have some ongoing stuff and not just one-shots.
Was DigiFes announced for this year? I don't remember hearing anything, and we are approaching the usual date with no news. If there is no DigiFes, this year will be pretty sparse for Digimon stuff.
Digimon Con is coming back next year in March. I am once again expecting no significant news to come from it. Also Digimon Adventure Beyond was announced, which I think is just an animated short directed by Kakudou.
Gamestop leaked the new Digimon game. Digimon Story Time Stranger. People think it will be revealed at the Playstation State of Play today. If not today it will certainly be shown at Digimon Con in March.
https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/playstation-5/products/digimon-story-time-stranger---playstation-5/422053.html (https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/playstation-5/products/digimon-story-time-stranger---playstation-5/422053.html)
We're back, baby.
https://blog.playstation.com/2025/02/12/digimon-story-time-stranger-launches-2025-on-ps5/ (https://blog.playstation.com/2025/02/12/digimon-story-time-stranger-launches-2025-on-ps5/)